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Latest Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary With Antonyms And Synonyms:1st March 2022

Vocabulary Words: For most SSC, banking Aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with the vocabulary words and their meaning.

Visual Vocabulary Word:

  1. Redact (verb)

            Meaning; To reduce to form, as literary matter; to digest and put in shape (matter for publication); to edit.

           Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_50.1

            Antonyms; diminish, deteriorate

            Synonyms; repair, rectify


  1. Antediluvian (Adjective)

            meaning; Ancient or antiquated.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_60.1

Antonyms; modern, recent

Synonyms; antique, old


  1. Exuberance (noun)

meaning; The quality of being exuberant; cheerful or vigorous enthusiasm; liveliness.

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synonyms; jaunty, Buoyancy

antonyms; murk, gloom


  1. Nosedive (noun)

meaning; A rapid fall in price or value.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_80.1

            synonyms; dip, fall

antonyms; climb, rise


  1. Hobble (verb)

meaning; To fetter by tying the legs; to restrict

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_90.1

synonyms; impede, obstruct

Antonyms; permit, allow


  1. Adherence (noun)

meaning; Faithful support for some cause.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_100.1

            synonyms; devotion, loyalty

antonyms; indifferent, ignorant


  1. Surreptitiously (adverb)

meaning; In a surreptitious manner; stealthily, furtively, secretly.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_110.1

antonyms; open, overt

synonyms; clandestine, covert


  1. Levitation (noun)

meaning; The raising of something

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_120.1

synonyms; rise, ascent

antonyms; fall, decline


  1. Fatigue (noun)

            meaning; A weariness caused by exertion; exhaustion.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_130.1

synonyms; exhaustion

antonyms; strength


  1. Quaint (adjective)

            meaning; Strange or odd

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 14th April 2021_140.1

synonyms; strange, unusual

antonyms; ordinary, common