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General Science MCQs and Answers For OPSC, OSSC, OSSSC, BANKING Exam| 18th July 2022

General Science MCQs and Answers: General Science are very important for OPSC, OSSCOSSSC & Other State Exams. Aspirants who are willing to apply for the various Government exams in 2022 must go through the topics of General Science for competitive exams, as General Science is a key part of the syllabus.

General Science MCQs

Q1. What is the total number of bones in the human body?

(a) 206

(b) 103

(c) 309

(d) 412


S1. Ans.(a)

Sol.The human skeleton is the internal framework of the body. It is composed of around 270 bones at birth – this total decreases to around 206 bones by adulthood after some bones get fused together. The bone mass in the skeleton reaches maximum density around age 21.


Q2. Emblicaofficinalis is the scientific name of


(b) Mango

(c) Amla

(d) Drumstick


S2. Ans.(c)

Sol.Phyllanthusemblica, also known as emblic, emblicmyrobalan, myrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree, or amla from Sanskrit amalaki is a deciduous tree of the family Phyllanthaceae. It is known for its edible fruit of the same name.

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Q3. Sponges belongs to the phylum
(a) Protozoa

(b) Annelida

(c) Porifera

(d) Cnidaria


S3. Ans.(c)

Sol.Sponges, the members of the phylum Porifera, are a basal Metazoa clade as sister of the Diploblasts.


Q4. Release of which among the following is the primary reason for depletion of the ozone layer?

(a) Nitrous oxide

(b) Hydrogen dioxide

(c) Chlorofluro carbon

(d) Carbon monoxide



S4. Ans.(c)

Sol.Releases of CFCs have serious environmental consequences. Their long lifetimes in the atmosphere mean that some end up in the higher atmopshere (stratosphere) where they can destroy the ozone layer, thus reducing the protection it offers the earth from the sun’s harmful UV rays.


Q5. What is the common characteristic of the elements of the same group in the periodic table?

(a) Electrons in outer most shell

(b) Total number of electrons

(c) Total number of protons

(d) Atomic weight


Sol. The elements in each group have the same number of electrons in the outer orbital. Those outer electrons are also called valence electrons. They are the electrons involved in chemical bonds with other elements.

Q6.Which one of the following chemicals had been in use till now for making artificial clouds?

(a) Potassium Nitrate

(b) Heavy Water

(c) Sulphur Iodide

(d) Silver Iodide


S6. Ans.(d)

Sol. Cloud seeding is the process of spreading either dry ice or more commonly silver Iodide into the upper part of clouds to try to stimulate the precipitation process and form rain.

Q7. Which of the following does not have any enzyme in its cells?

(a) Lichen

(b) Virus

(c) Bacteria

(d) None of these



Sol. Lichen, bacteria and virus, all have enzyme which performs specialized functional roles in the organisms. Liches have enzymes which help in ecological succession. These help in break down of rocks and causes weathering. This helps in development of soil. Bacteria and viruses have enzymes which help them to penetrate to host genome.


Q8. In which organ of the human body are the lymphocytes formed?

(a) Liver

(b) Bone marrow

(c) Spleen

(d) Pancreas



Sol. Lymphocytes develop in the thymus and bone marrow (yellow), which are therefore called central (or primary) lymphoid organs.

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Q9. At the equilibrium price

(a) quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied

(b) quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied

(c) elasticity of demand equals elasticity of supply

(d) price elasticity of demand is unity


S9. Ans.(a)

Sol.The equilibrium price is the market price where the quantity of goods supplied is equal to the quantity of goods demanded. This is the point at which the demand and supply curves in the market intersect.


Q10. Which of the following gases emitted from automobile exhaust is poisonous?

(a) Carbon monoxide

(b) Carbon dioxide

(c) Hydrocarbons

(d) Sulphur dioxide


S10. Ans.(a)

Sol.CO is found in fumes produced any time you burn fuel in cars or trucks, small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces. CO can build up indoors and poison people and animals who breathe it.Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly less dense than air. It is toxic to hemoglobic animals when encountered in concentrations above about 35 ppm.


Q11. Molybdenite is an ore/mineral of

(a) Molybdenum

(b) Nickel

(c) Silver

(d) Tin


S11. Ans.(a)

Sol.Molybdenite is the most important ore of the metal molybdenum. Molybdenite is currently being researched as a possible replacement semiconductor for silicon in transistors in electronic chips.


Q12. What was the fissionable material used in the bombs dropped at Nagasaki (Japan) in the year 1945?

(a) Sodium

(b) Potassium

(c) Plutonium

(d) Iron


S12. Ans.(c)

Sol. ‘Fat Man’ was the code name for the type of bomb which was dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki by the United States of America. Plutonium was used as fissionable material in this bomb.


Q13. The reason of mirage is

(a) Interference of light

(b) Diffraction of light

(c) Polarization of light

(d) Total internal reflection of light


S13. Ans.(d)

Sol. The mirage is caused by the total internal reflection of light at layers of air of different densities. In Desert areas, the successive upper layer is denser than those below there. A ray of light coming from a distant object, like the top a tree gets refracted from a denser to a rare medium. Consequently, the refracted ray bends away from the normal until at a particular layer, the light is incident ray suffers total internal reflection and enters the eyes of the observer. It appears as if an inverted image of the tree.


Q14. BCG vaccine is given to protect from which of the following?

(a) Jaundice

(b) Anaemia

(c) Tuberculosis

(d) Polio


S14. Ans.(c)


The BCG vaccine is the only TB vaccine currently available. The BCG Vaccine is normally given to children, and is not normally given to adults.


Q15. Parallel venation is found in _____ .

(a) plants which are monocots

(b) plants which have a dicot stem

(c) plants with leaves similar to Tulsi

(d) plants with tap roots


S15. Ans.(a)


Parallel venation Veins run parallel to one another from the base to the tip of the leaf. This is a characteristic feature of monocot plants.


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