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സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ് 2023
സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ്: കേരള പബ്ലിക് സർവീസ് കമ്മീഷൻ സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ് ഔദ്യോഗിക വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു. പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കുള്ള തയ്യാറെടുപ്പുകൾ ആരംഭിക്കാൻ സമയമായി. പരീക്ഷയിൽ വിജയിക്കുന്നതിന്, സിലബസിനെക്കുറിച്ച് വ്യക്തമായ ധാരണ ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം, അതിനാൽ സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ് വിശദമായി വായിച്ച് മനസിലാക്കുക. ചുവടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നു ലിങ്ക് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ് PDF രൂപത്തിൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാവുന്നതാണ്.
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സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ്: അവലോകനം
ചുവടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന പട്ടികയിൽ സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ് സംബന്ധമായ എല്ലാ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട വിവരങ്ങളും ലഭിക്കും.
സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി കേരള PSC സിലബസ് | |
ഓർഗനൈസേഷൻ | കേരള പബ്ലിക് സർവീസ് കമ്മീഷൻ |
കാറ്റഗറി | പരീക്ഷ സിലബസ് |
വകുപ്പ് | ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി |
തസ്തികയുടെ പേര് | സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ(ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി) |
കാറ്റഗറി നമ്പർ | 158/2020 |
പരീക്ഷാ മോഡ് | ഓൺലൈൻ/ OMR |
ചോദ്യങ്ങളുടെ മാധ്യമം | English |
മാർക്ക് | 100 |
പരീക്ഷയുടെ സമയപരിധി | 1 മണിക്കൂർ 30 മിനിറ്റ് |
ഔദ്യോഗിക വെബ്സൈറ്റ് | |
Fill out the Form and Get all The Latest Job Alerts – Click here
സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി പരീക്ഷ പാറ്റേൺ
കേരള PSC സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ഇൻ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി പരീക്ഷയുടെ വിശാലമായ പരീക്ഷ പാറ്റേൺ ഇതാണ്:
- ഒബ്ജക്ടീവ് അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിലുള്ള പരീക്ഷയാണിത്.
- ആകെ 1.30 മണിക്കൂറാണ് പരീക്ഷാ ദൈർഘ്യം.
- ആകെ മാർക്ക് 100.
- ഓരോ ശരിയായ ഉത്തരത്തിനും 1 മാർക്ക് നൽകും.
- ഓരോ തെറ്റായ ഉത്തരത്തിനും 1/3 മാർക്ക് കുറയ്ക്കുന്നു.
സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി പരീക്ഷ പാറ്റേൺ | ||
Part I (A): Basics of Electronic Measurement System |
10 Marks | |
Modules | Topics | Marks |
Module 1 | Classification of instruments | 2 marks |
Module 2 | Indicating Instruments | 3 marks |
Module 3 | DC and AC Bridges | 2 marks |
Module 4 | Cathode Ray Oscilloscope | 3 marks |
Part I (B): Basics of Computer | 10 Marks | |
Module 1 | Information Security – Ethical And Social Issues | 5 marks |
Module 2 | MS Office And Internet | 5 marks |
Part II (A): Physics | 30 Marks | |
Module 1 | Measurement | 2 marks |
Module 2 | Mechanics | 4 marks |
Module 3 | Properties of Matter | 3 marks |
Module 4 | Heat and thermodynamics | 3 marks |
Module 5 | Optics | 5 marks |
Module 6 | Electrostatics and current electricity | 4 marks |
Module 7 | Magnetism | 2 marks |
Module 8 | Electromagnetic induction and alternating current | 2 marks |
Module 9 | Electronics | 4 marks |
Module 10 | Atoms | 1 marks |
Part II (B): Chemistry | 30 Marks | |
Module 1 | States of Matter | 3 marks |
Module 2 | Solutions | 3 marks |
Module 3 | Electrochemistry | 2 marks |
Module 4 | Analytical principles | 3 marks |
Module 5 | Polymers | 3 marks |
Module 6 | Chemistry in everyday life | 3 marks |
Module 7 | Fuels, Propellants, Explosives | 2 marks |
Module 8 | Nanomaterials | 3 marks |
Module 9 | Spectroscopy | 4 marks |
Module 10 | Environmental Chemistry | 4 marks |
Part III: Mathematics | 20 Marks | |
Module 1 | Mental Ability | 1 marks |
Module 2 | Quantitative Aptitude | 2 marks |
Module 3 | Mensuration | 2 marks |
Module 4 | Quadratic Equations | 2 marks |
Module 5 | Matrices and Determinants | 3 marks |
Module 6 | Systems of Linear equations | 2 marks |
Module 7 | Permutations and Combinations | 2 marks |
Module 8 | Applications of differentiation | 2 marks |
Module 9 | Application of Integration | 2 marks |
Module 10 | Differential Equations | 2 marks |
Total | 100 marks |
സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ് PDF ഡൗൺലോഡ്
സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ് PDF ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ, താഴെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക.
സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ് PDF ഡൗൺലോഡ്
സീനിയർ ഇൻസ്പെക്ടർ ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി സിലബസ്
Part I (A): Basics Of Electronic Measurement System
Module 1: Classification of instruments
- Deflection and null type
- Static and Dynamic characteristics of measuring instruments,
- Errors in measuring instruments,
- Scale range and scale span, Signal to noise ratio.
Module 2: Indicating Instruments
- Different torques, damping system,
- Moving coil and Moving iron instruments,
- Galvanometer into ammeters and voltmeters,
- Extension of range using multipliers, Ohm meters, Energy meters Single phase induction type Watt meters
Module 3: DC and AC Bridges
- Wheatstone Bridge, Kelvin’s double bridge,
- Hay’s Bridge, Maxwell’s Bridge, Schering Bridge, Wein Bridge
Module 4: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
- General block diagram, Lissajous pattern, frequency measurement, Phase angle measurement, Dual trace, and DSO
Part I (B): Basics Of Computer
Module 1: Information Security – Ethical And Social Issues
- IT in communication, Business, Governance, Medicine, Ofice Automation, and Health Care,
- Education, Science, Entertainment, Engineering Manufacturing, IT Policy in the State Ethical and social issues related to systems- Key Technology Trends that Raise Ethical Issues – Ethics in an Information Society – Basic Concepts: Responsibility, Accountability, and Liability.
- Ethical Analysis – Candidate Ethical Principles – Professional Codes of Conduct Information Rights: Privacy and Freedom in the Internet Age
- Property Rights: Intellectual Property, Accountability, Liability and Control, System Quality
- Computer Security: Security concepts – Security aspects in communication – Security requirements
- Cryptography: Symmetric encryption Algorithms – Authentication Methods – Access control – Principles, Policies, Requirements
- Intrusion and Detection – Malicious Software – Denial of Service – Firewall Operating
- System Vulnerabilities: Windows OS vulnerabilities – Linux OS vulnerabilities
- Countermeasures
Module 2: MS Office And Internet
- Windows – Desktop, Taskbar, Start Menu, My Computer, Windows Explorer, Recycle Bin – Accessories – Calculator, Notepad, Paint, WordPad.
- MS Word – Text Formatting Features – Paragraph Change Case, Font, Tabs, Drop Cap, Bullets, and Numbering, Advanced Formatting Features – Borders and Shading, Autoshape, Caption, Columns, Text Box, Footnote, Tables and Drawing Features – Insert Table, Draw Table, Formula, Sort, Forms Graphics – Word Art and Clip Art, Tools – Mail Merge, Spelling, and Grammar, Thesaurus, Autocorrect
- MS Excel – Worksheets, Cell, Cell Range Operations, Fill Series, protecting Worksheets Functions – sum, average, if. Financial and Statistical Functions, Mathematical Functions. Database Operations – Sort, Filter – Auto filter, and Advanced filter. Subtotals, Table, Validation Charts – Column, Pie, XY, Line, Scatter.
Part II (A): Physics
Module 1: Measurement
- Physical quantities, units SI and CGS systems, dimensional analysis, measurements of quantities, accuracy, precision, errors, absolute, systematic, random, relative, and percentage errors, Estimating and reporting of errors, error bars, and a graphical representation, errors with reading scales, screw gauge, Vernier calipers, common balance, least count of measuring instruments, significant figures.
Module 2: Mechanics
- Motion in one dimension, position, distance, displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration, uniform velocity and uniform acceleration, linear momentum. Newton’s laws of motion, the law of conservation of linear momentum, force, work, energy, power
- Gravitation, Newton’s law of gravitation, mass, inertia, acceleration due to gravity and its variation with height, depth, and latitude.
- Rigid body-center of mass, the center of gravity, a moment of inertia
- Rotational motion, period, frequency, angular velocity (frequency), torque, angular momentum, the law of conservation of angular momentum, centripetal and centrifugal force.
- Couple, moment of a force, Mechanical equilibrium, concurrent forces, translational and rotational equilibrium, moment bar
- Simple harmonic motion, Spring, and spring constant. Oscillations of spring
Module 3: Properties of Matter
- Elasticity-stress, strain, stress-strain diagram, Hooke’s law, moduli of elasticity, bending of beams(uniform and non-uniform) cantilever, Torsion, Static torsion, Torsional oscillations.
- Fluids, upthrust, pressure, Pascal’s law, hydraulic lift, buoyancy, laws of floatation, Archimedes’ principle, streamline and turbulent flow, equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s theorem and applications, viscosity, Newton’s law of viscosity, Stoke’s formula, Poiseuille’s formula and applications, the temperature dependence of surface tension
Module 4: Heat and Thermodynamics
- Temperature-Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin scales, thermometers, Transfer of heat-conduction-thermal conductivity, convection, radiation-black body radiation, Planck’s law, Wein’s displacement law, Stefan’s law
- Thermal expansion-Linear expansion of solids, linear expansivity
- Ideal gas, kinetic theory of gases, the pressure of a gas, ideal gas equation, the specific heat capacity of gases, Mayer’s relation
- Thermodynamics-system and surroundings, thermodynamic processes, variables, indicator diagram, work done in thermodynamic processes, Zeroeth law of thermodynamics, internal energy, First law of thermodynamics, cyclic process, isothermal, diabetic processes, reversible and irreversible processes, heat engine, Carnot cycle, diesel engine, efficiency, the second law of thermodynamics, refrigerator, entropy and disorder, the third law of thermodynamics.
Module 5: Optics
- Reflection-Laws of reflection, plane and spherical mirrors, principal focus, and focal length, mirror equation, use of spherical mirrors
- Refraction-Snell’s, total internal reflection, refraction at spherical surfaces, convex and concave lens, focal length, Lens maker’s formula, spherical and chromatic aberration, a combination of lenses, prism, the equation for the refractive index of the prism
- Interference principle of superposition, coherent sources, Young’s double slit experiment, and the color of thin films. Fringes of equal thickness/inclination. Newton’s rings
- Diffraction-Fresnei and Fraunhoffer diffraction, Fresnel diffraction at the straight edge, Fraunhoffer diffraction at the narrow slit, Diffraction gratings.
- Optical instruments- microscope (simple and compound) and telescope (reflecting and refracting)-resolving power
- Scattering-Rayleigh scattering-color of the sky, color of morning and evening sun, Raman scattering.
- Polarisation- polarised and unpolarised light, planes of polarisation and vibration, polarisation by reflection, Brewster angle, Malu’s law, polarisation by scattering, polaroids, optical activity
- spontaneous and stimulated emissions, population inversion, LASER, Ruby LASER
- Electromagnetic spectrum
Module 6: Electrostatics and current electricity
- Electrostatics-Culomb’s law in electronics, electric field, electric flux, Gauss’ theorem, electric potential, electric dipole, capacitor, energy stored in the capacitor, serial and parallel combination of capacitors.
- Current electricity-emf, electric current, Ohm’s law, resistance, resistivity, series and parallel combination of resistors, cells-dry cells, and storage cell, the internal resistance of cells, Jouie heating, electrical power, power rating of electrical instruments, ammeter, voltmeter, multimeter.
- Kirchoff’s laws, Wheatson’s bridge, Voltage and current sources, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, and the Maximum power transfer theorem.
Module 7: Magnetism
- Magnetism-magnetic field, magnetic flux, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s circuital theorem, magnetic dipole, magnetic moment, current loop, Lorentz force, the force acting on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field, the force between current carrying conductors, terrestrial magnetism, Horizontal magnetic field, vertical magnetic field and dip at a place.
Module 8: Electromagnetic induction and alternating current
- Electromagnetic induction- faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, Self and mutual induction, Eddy currents and applications, transformer, Speedometer
- Alternating current (AC)- generation of AC, frequency, instantaneous, peak, mean, and RMS value of an ac, AC circuits, inductive and capacitive reactance, impedance, LCR circuit, electrical resonance, selection and rejection of frequencies, tuning.
Module 9: Electronics
- Electronics-band theory of semiconductors, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, pn junction, diode, and characteristics, avalanche and Zener breakdown, Zener voltage regulation, LED, photodiode
- Transistors-npn and pnp transistors, Transistor biasing, dc and ac load line, operating point, CE amplifier-gain, and frequency response, RC phase shift oscillators
- Digital electronics-Binary number system, Logic gates, OR, AND, NOT, NOR NAND, XOR, XNOR, universal gates, half adder, full adder, Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s theorem
Module 10: Atoms
- Atomic structure, Bohr atom model, Hydrogen spectra, vector atom model and quantum numbers, Paul’s exclusion principle
Part II (B): Chemistry
Module 1: States of Matter
- Solid state: Crystalline and amorphous solids, types of crystals, X-ray diffraction-Braggs’s
equation, Imperfection in crystals - Liquid state: Vapour pressure, surface tension, viscosity
- Gaseous state: Ideal gas equation, Kinetic theory of gases, Types of molecular velocities
(average, most probable, and RMS), formulas and interrelations
Module 2: Solutions
- Concentration-Molarity, Molality, Normality, and Mole fraction
- Raoult’s law, Colligative properties
Module 3: Electrochemistry
- Specific, equivalent conductance and Molar conductance and its variation with dilution
- Electrochemical cells-types- electrolytic and galvanic with examples
- Reference electrodes-standard hydrogen electrode, calomel electrode
- Cell reaction, Nernst equation, fuel cells
Module 4: Analytical Principles
- Inorganic qualitative analysis: Common ion effect and solubility product.
- Quantitative Analysis: Theory of acid-base titration, acid-base indicators
- Basic principles of gravimetry
- Chromatography- Column chromatography, thin layer chromatography, Gas
chromatography and HPLC
Module 5: Polymers
- Classification of polymers, Homopolymers and copolymers, Addition and condensation
polymers, thermoplastics, and thermosets - Preparation and use of polyethylene, PVC, Teflon phenol-formaldehyde resin, epoxy
resin, nylon-66, Dacron, synthetic rubbers – SBR, and nitrile rubbers
Module 6: Chemistry in everyday life
- Cement: chemical composition of Portland cement, setting and hardening of the cement
- Paints: Primary constituents, binders, and solvents
- Soaps and detergents: composition and cleansing action
- Food additives
Module 7: Fuels, Propellants, Explosives
- Fuels: calorific value, petroleum products, natural gas, biogas, LPG composition
- Propellants and Explosive compounds, Examples-TNT, TNG, Urea nitrate, Hydrazine
Module 8: Nanomaterials
- Definition, classification, Preparations of nanoparticles using Top-down approaches and
Bottom-to-top approaches. Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. Properties of nanoparticles:
optical, magnetic, and catalytic properties with examples.
Module 9: Spectroscopy
- UV–Visible spectroscopy: Beer-Lambert’s law, types of electronic transitions,
bathochromic, hypsochromic shifts, hyperchromic and hypochromic effects. - IR spectroscopy: Molecular vibrations, Functional group, and fingerprint region, the effect of
hydrogen bonding on hydroxyl stretching frequency, Factors influencing carbonyl
stretching frequency - NMR spectroscopy: Principle of proton NMR, shielding and deshielding effect, chemical
Module 10: Environmental Chemistry
- Air pollution: Composition of air, causes of air pollution, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of Nitrogen and Sulphur, CFC, Acid rain, Greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion
- Water pollution: causes, BOD, COD
- Soil pollution: pesticides, fertilizers, Industrial waste, Plastic.
- Major environmental disasters: Minamata, Itaiitai, Bhopal disaster, Chornobyl incident
- Green chemistry: Principles of green chemistry, atom economy, supercritical fluids.
Part III: Mathematics
Module 1: Mental Ability and Reasoning
- Coding and decoding, classification, letter and number series, Sequences, clock, and calendar
Module 2: Quantitative Aptitude
- Numbers, simplification, percentage, simple interest, compound interest, work, time, and distance
Module 3: Mensuration
- Area of plane figures such as circles, squares, rectangles, Triangles, and quadrilaterals, the volume of solids such as spheres, cubes, cylinders, cones and parallelopiped
Module 4: Quadratic Equations
- Quadratic equation, examples, solution, nature of roots, discriminant, the relation between roots and coefficients, simple applications.
Module 5: Matrices and Determinants
- Matrices: Examples and properties, types of Matrices, Operation of Matrices, Inverse of a matrix rank of a matrix, determinants, properties of determinants, application of determinants.
Module 6: Systems of linear equations
- Systems of linear equations- both homogeneous and non-homogeneous, Consistency of the system, Solution methods – Gauss elimination, Matrix inversion, and Cramer’s rule.
Module 7: Permutations and Combinations
- Permutations and combinations- simple examples, properties, relations applications, and rearrangement of letters and numbers,
Module 8: Applications of Differentiation
- Derivative, Properties, Geometrical meaning of Derivative, derivative as a rate of change, Velocity, and Acceleration, increasing and decreasing function, related rates, Maxima and Minima.
Module 9: Applications of Integration
- Integrals, Properties, Geometric Meaning of Integration, Calculation of the area under the curve, Calculation of volume of Solid of revolution.
Module 10: Differential Equations
- Differential equations, Definitions, and examples, Degree, Order, Solution of First Order Differential Equation- Variable Separable, Exact Equation, Linear Equation, Second Order Linear Differential Equations.