Addapedia Editorial Analysis: Daily News Editorial Analysis 25 June 2024
Addapedia Editorial Daily News , 25 June 2024: In this Addapedia Editorial Analysis, We cover Important News Editorials from Newspapers and provide you with detailed analysis. This ADDAPEDIA Editorial Analysis will help you in understanding the National and International events Current affairs and the background of a particular topic. This comprehensive News analysis will help you in Clearing CA and Interview for many exams
Editorials usually cover a particular topic that might be National, State or any International event which is most important to acquire brief knowledge about the event. Editorials are written by Famous news analysts, Politicians, Business analysts, Civil Servants or a person who has immense knowledge in that particular field. Knowing Editorials will not only understand the geo-political relations but also how to write and describe any particular issue which helps especially in PSC, SSC and Banks Exams.
The Court spells the way in Himalaya’s development
(The Hindu, 25/06/24)
The Teesta dam breach in Sikkim and the monsoon floods and landslides in Himachal Pradesh — both events in 2023 — are a stark reminder of the havoc our development model is causing to the environment, ecology and communities, especially in the Indian Himalayan mountains.
What is the importance of Indian Himalayan Region?
- Water Tower of Asia: The Indian Himalayas are the source of major rivers like the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra, providing essential water resources for irrigation, hydropower, and drinking water to millions in South Asia.
- Biodiversity Hotspot: The region is a treasure trove of biodiversity, harboring unique flora and fauna, many of which are endangered and have medicinal value. (Potential for bioprospecting and genetic resources)
- Climate Regulation: The Himalayas act as a natural barrier, influencing the monsoon patterns and protecting the Indian subcontinent from cold Central Asian winds, thus playing a crucial role in shaping the region’s climate.
- Carbon Sink: The vast forests of the Himalayas sequester significant amounts of carbon, helping to mitigate climate change. (Maintains global climate balance).
- Hydropower Potential: The rivers originating in the Himalayas offer immense potential for hydropower generation, a clean and renewable energy source. (Energy security and reduced carbon emissions)
- Mineral Resources: The region contains valuable mineral deposits like limestone, magnesite, and copper, contributing to the mining industry.
- Scenic Beauty and Tourism: The majestic Himalayan mountains with their snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and valleys attract tourists from around the world, contributing to the local economy.
- Cultural & Spiritual Significance: The region is home to diverse ethnic groups, each with its unique traditions, languages, and art forms, making it a cultural mosaic. The region is dotted with ancient pilgrimage sites and monasteries, attracting spiritual seekers and contributing to the region’s cultural heritage.
How current developmental model endangered Indian Himalayan region?
- Ethnocentric vs. Ecocentric Approach: The dominant development model prioritizes economic growth and often ignores the ecological values of the region, leading to loss of green cover and disasters.
- Unsustainable Infrastructure Development: The construction of roads, dams, and other infrastructure projects on steep slopes in seismic zones has led to deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and increased vulnerability to natural disasters.(Ex: Char Dham Project)
- Policy and Governance Gaps: Weak environmental regulations, inadequate enforcement, and lack of coordination among different stakeholders have contributed to the unsustainable development of the region.
What is “intersectionality of rights” in this context?
It is a doctrine that emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to development that respects both human rights and the rights of nature.
- Rights are not isolated but they are interconnected and influence each other. i.e. right to life (Article 21), the right to equality (Article 14), the right to development, and the right to a clean environment are intertwined.
- In the case of the Great Indian Bustard, the Court has recognised the right of the people of this country to be free from the adverse impacts of climate change.
- The intersectionality of rights is particularly crucial for those most impacted by environmental and social injustices.
- In the case of T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad v. Union of India, the Supreme Court acknowledged the importance of protecting forests not only for their ecological value but also for the livelihoods and cultural identity of forest-dwelling communities
- It also states that unsustainable development violates the rights of both present and future generations.
What is the way forward?
- Aligning growth aspirations with science and the rights of both people and nature.
- Incorporating disaster management into development planning, focusing on prevention and resilience.
- Having a sustainable development model in sync with the carrying capacity of the Indian Himalayan region could now be considered a fundamental right for its people.
Can you answer these questions?
The Supreme Court’s interpretation of Article 21 of the Constitution to include the right to a clean and healthy environment has been a game-changer in environmental jurisprudence in India. Discuss.
“The right to a healthy environment is not explicitly mentioned in the Indian Constitution, yet the Supreme Court has effectively integrated it into the framework of fundamental rights.” Discuss the implications of such environmental jurisprudence on the developmental trajectory of the country.
Create the space for governance with a green heart
(The Hindu, 25/06/24)
What are the key environmental concerns that the new government should prioritize in its upcoming term?
- Climate Change: India’s leadership needs to move beyond rhetoric and take concrete steps to address climate change, including reducing emissions, building resilience, and ensuring food and water security.
- Forest Cover: The government must reverse the decline in forest cover by rolling back harmful legislation like the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023, and implementing robust protections. India’s current tree cover is only 28 trees per person, far below the global average.
- Unlivable Cities: Urgent action is needed to address air and water pollution in major cities, restore rivers and green spaces, and improve sewage treatment. Only 28% of sewage generated in Indian cities is currently treated.
- Himalayan Concerns: The government must address the outsized impact of climate change on the Himalayas, including glacier retreat, changing rainfall patterns, and threats to water and food security. Concerns of communities like Ladakhis, who recently protested for environmental protection, should be addressed.
- Public Participation: The government needs to prioritize public participation in environmental decision-making, strengthen Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) mechanisms, and address concerns raised by stakeholders and affected communities. The Char Dham Highway project exemplifies the consequences of inadequate EIAs.
- Greenwashing: The government must move away from greenwashing and prioritize genuine conservation efforts. Policies like green credits and compensatory afforestation should be replaced with sustainable development practices that prioritize environmental protection.
Why are these environmental concerns important for India’s future?
- These environmental concerns are not just luxury issues; they are critical for the survival and well-being of millions of Indians.
- The health and economic consequences of environmental degradation are already being felt across the country.
- The government must act urgently to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for all.
Can you answer the following question?
The Himalayas are a critical ecological hotspot facing numerous environmental challenges due to climate change and unsustainable development. Discuss the specific concerns in the Himalayan region and suggest measures for their conservation and sustainable management.
The rapid urbanization and industrialization in India have led to severe environmental degradation in many cities. Analyze the root causes of this issue and propose comprehensive strategies to create sustainable and livable urban environments.
Addapedia Editorial Analysis 25 June 2024 PDF Download Link
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