TNPSC Samacheer Book Back Questions: ADDA 247 Tamil is giving you TNPSC Samacheer Book Back Questions – South Indian Kingdoms MCQs for all competitive exams. Here you get Multiple Book Back Choice Questions and Answers. Here you will find all the important questions and answers that will help you increase your knowledge and move you toward fulfilling your goals. Study these TNPSC Book Back Questions MCQs and succeed in the exams.
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Q1. Who among the following built the VaikundaPerumal temple?
(a) Narasimhavarma II
(b) Nandivarma II
(c) Dantivarman
(d) Parameshvaravarma
Nandivarma Style:
- The last stage of the Pallava architecture is also represented by structural temples built by the later Pallavas.
- The best example is Vaikunda Perumal temple at Kanchipuram.
Q2. Which of the following titles were the titles of Mahendra Varma I?
(a) Mattavilasa
(b) Vichitra Chitta
(c) Gunabara
(d) all the three
- Sankirnajati
- Mattavilasa
- Gunabhara
- Chitrakarapuli
- Vichitra Chitta
Q3. Which of the following inscriptions describes the victories of Pulakesin II?
(a) Aihole
(b) Saranath
(c) Sanchi
(d) Junagath
- Aihole Inscription: It is found at Meguti Temple in Aihole (Bagalkot district, Karnataka).
- It is written in Sanskrit by Ravikirti, a court poet of Chalukya king Pulakesin II.
- It makes a mention of the defeat of Harsha Vardhana by Pulakesin II.
- Read the statement and tick the appropriate answer
Q4. Statement I: Pallava art shows transition from rock-cut monolithic structure to stone built temple.
Statement II: Kailasanatha temple at Kanchipuram is an example of Pallava art and architecture.
(a) Statement I is wrong.
(b) Statement II is wrong.
(c) Both the statements are correct
(d) Both the statements are wrong.
- Narasimhavarma II, also known as Rajasimha, constructed structural temples using stone blocks.
- The best example for the structural temple is Kailasanatha temple at Kanchipuram.
- This temple was built by using sand stones.
- Kailasanatha temple is called Rajasimheswaram.
Q5. Consider the following statement(s) about Pallava Kingdom.
Statement I: Tamil literature flourished under Pallava rule, with the rise in popularity of Thevaram composed by Appar.
Statement II: Pallava King Mahendravarman was the author of the play Mattavilasa Prahasana.
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) Both I and II
(d) Neither I nor II
- Mahendravarman also wrote plays, including (c.620) MattavilasaPrahasana. (The Delight of the Drunkards) in Sanskrit, which denigrates Buddhism.
- Tamil literature had also flourished during the Pallava rule.
- Thevaram composed by Nayanmars and Nalayradivyaprabantham composed by Azhwars, which are still chanted by devout people.
Q6. Consider the following statements about the Rashtrakuta dynasty and find out which of the following statements are correct.
- It was founded by Dantidurga.
- Amogavarsha wrote Kavirajmarga.
- Krishna I built the Kailasanatha temple at Ellora.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) all the three
- Dantidurga, the founder of the Rashtrakuta dynasty.
- Kavirajamarga composed by Amogavarsha was the first poetic work in Kannada language.
- Kailasanatha Temple was one of the 30 temples carved out of the hill at Ellora. It was built during the reign of Krishna I.
Q7. Which of the following is not a correct pair?
(a) Ellora caves – Rashtrakutas
(b) Mamallapuram – Narasimhavarman I
(c) Elephanta caves – Ashoka
(d) Pattadakal – Chalukyas
- The Rashtrakutas made significant contributions to Indian Art.
- The art and architecture of the Rashtrakutas can be found at Ellora and Elephanta.
- The structural temples of Chalukyas exist at Aihole, Badami and Pattadakal.
- The important stone temples are the Vishnu temples at Badami and Aihole and the Virupaksha or Siva Temple at Pattadakal in Bijapur district in present-day Karnataka.
Q8. Find out the wrong pair.
(a) Dandin – Dasakumara Charitam
(b) Vatsyaya – Bharathavenba
(c) Bharavi – Kiratarjuneeyam
(d) Amogavarsha – Kavirajamarga
- The great Sanskrit scholar, Dandin, adorned in the court of Narasimhavarma I.
- Dandin composed Dashakumara Charita.
- Vatsyaya who wrote Nyaya Bhashya was a teacher at Kanchi (Gatika).
- Bharavi, the great Sanskrit scholar, lived in the time of Simhavishnu.
- Bharavi wrote Kiratarjuniya, an epic in verses.
- Kavirajamarga composed by Amogavarsha was the first poetic work in Kannada language.
III. Fill in the blanks
- _____________defeated Harsha Vardhana on the banks of the river Narmada.(Pulakesin II)
- _____________destroyed Vatapi and assumed the title VatapiKondan. (Narasimhavarma I)
- _____________was the author of Aihole Inscription.(Ravikirti)
- _____________was the army general of Narasimhavarma I. (Paranjothi)
- The music inscriptions in ____________and ____________show Pallavas’ interest in music. (Kudumianmalai and Thirumayam temples)
Q9.Match the following
- Pallavas – 1.Kalyani
- Eastern Chalukyas – 2.Manyakheta
- Western Chalukyas – 3.Kanchi
- Rashtrakutas – 4.Vengi
(a) 2 4 1 3
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 2 1 4 3
(d) 4 2 3 1
- Chalukyas of Badami
- Chalukyas of Vengi (Eastern Chalukyas)
- Chalukyas of Kalyani (Western Chalukyas).
- State True or False
- The famous musician Rudracharya lived during Mahendravarma I. (True)
- The greatest king of the Rashtrakuta dynasty was Pulakesin II. (False)
- Mamallapuram is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. (True)
- Thevaram was composed by Azhwars. (False)
5. The Virupaksha temple was built on the model of Kanchi Kailasanatha Temple. (True)

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