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TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் பாடத்திட்டம் 2023, தேர்வு முறை

TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் பாடத்திட்டம் 2023தமிழ்நாடு அரசுப் பணியாளர் தேர்வாணையம் (TNPSC) தமிழ்நாடு கால்நடை பராமரிப்பு சேவை மற்றும் தமிழ்நாடு கூட்டுறவு நிறுவன ராணிப்பேட்டை, கால்நடை தடுப்பு மருத்துவ நிறுவனத்தில் ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் மற்றும் தமிழ்நாடு கூட்டுறவு பால் உற்பத்தியாளர் கூட்டமைப்பு லிமிடெட்டில் மேலாளர் (கால்நடை) ஆட்சேர்ப்பு 2023 தேர்வை நடத்த உள்ளது. TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் தேர்வுக்கு தயாராவதற்கு முன், அதன் பாடத்திட்டம் பற்றி ஆர்வமுள்ள விண்ணப்பதாரர்கள் அறிந்திருக்க வேண்டும். ஆர்வமுள்ள விண்ணப்பதாரர்கள் TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் பாடத்திட்டம் 2023 PDF மற்றும்  தேர்வு முறை விவரங்களை இந்த கட்டுரையில் பார்க்கலாம்.

TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் பாடத்திட்டம் 2023



தமிழ்நாடு அரசு பணியாளர் தேர்வாணையம்

பதவி ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் (கால்நடை)


வேலை இடம்


ஆன்லைனில் விண்ணப்பிப்பதற்கான தொடக்க தேதி

20 செப்டம்பர் 2023

ஆன்லைனில் விண்ணப்பிப்பதற்கான கடைசி தேதி

19 அக்டோபர் 2023
விண்ணப்பிக்கும் முறை

அதிகாரப்பூர்வ இணையதளம்


TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் பாடத்திட்டம் 2023

 TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் பாடத்திட்டத்தை சரிபார்க்கவும்.



Livestock Population Census in the nation and state, – Role of livestock and their products in the Indian economy and human health, current livestock programs and policies of State and Nation Policy note on Animal Husbandry, Government of Tamil Nadu –Economics of dairy, sheep, goat, poultry, pig
and rabbit farming; Livestock project preparation, constraints to the live stock development programs, common offenses against animals – SPCA, Animal Welfare Board of India, NGOs. Livestock marketing and Livestock entrepreneurship.


Common terms used in Animal Husbandry– Dentition and ageing of animals–
Livestock and poultry breeds and breed characters, housing systems for
different classes of livestock, and requirements of space, ventilation, water,
sanitation, and waste disposal. Management of milk, meat, egg, and woolproducing livestock, management of calves and heifers, management of
breeding bulls, draught animal power, rearing buffaloes for meat, organic
livestock production, small ruminant production systems, economic traits of
cattle, sheep and goat. Farm records and their maintenance, strategies for
livestock improvement for enhancing productivity. Systems of swine
production in India, Exotic and indigenous breeds of pigs, Housing condition
requirements for different classes of swine, feeding management for different
classes of swine, breeding sow and boar management, piglet management,
fattener management. Indian breeds of horses, Equine housing, feeding and
breeding management. Importance and significance of laboratory animal
production and management, Wild animals in captivity and management.


Nutritional terms and definitions – Role of nutrition in health and production- Feed sand fodder classification, composition, anti-nutritional factors, and toxins- Requirements of nutrients for different categories of
livestock/poultry and formulation of least cost rations-Feeding of pet
animals-BIS specifications for livestock and poultry feeds-Nutritional
deficiency and its influence on livestock performance -Feed supplements and
additives-Conservation and preservation of feed and fodders – Economic
utilization of agro-industrial by – products for feeding livestock – Utilization
of unconventional feeds – Feeding of captive wild animals and birds-Quality
control of feed-Feed milling technology-Feedblock/baling- By-Pass Proteins
and by-pass Fat – Feeding livestock during scarcity – Metabolic disordes in
Livestock and Poultry Processing of feed sand for age to improve nutritive
value-Use of NPN compounds for ruminants.


Important breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, and poultry with special reference to economic characters-Principles of Genetics, Cytogenetics, and Basis of Population Genetics, Genetic parameters- Nature of DNA and RNA, their models and functions –Selection of livestock for production, reproduction, and disease resistance traits–Response to selection – Mating systems including Nucleus Breeding Schemes – Current livestock and poultry breeding policies and programs in the state and country-Applications of Recombinant DNA technology, Cloning, Transgenesis, and Marker-Assisted Selection – Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources.


Gross study of bones of Ox and differences in Horse, Dog, Pig and Fowl,
Joints and Muscles of Skeleton of Ox, Gross study of Heart and Conduction
system, General plan of Pulmonary and systemic circulation, Gross anatomy
of Brain and Spinal cord, the Gross study of organs of the digestive,
respiratory, urinary and reproductive system of Ox, Horse, Dog, Pig and
Fowl, Systemic histology.
Mechanism of respiration. General functions of blood (blood cells, plasma &
serum) coagulation, cardiac cycle, Blood circulation, Blood pressure, renal
function Hormonal control of Lactogenesis. Environmental factors affecting
animal production–Environmental stress on animal performance–Green
Houses Gases – Role of ruminants. Endocrine System-Functional aspects of
hormones in Systemic Physiology. Renal system-Counter Current Mechanism Acid Base Balance.
Enzymes: Definition and classification. Clinical Enzymology – Diagnostic
importance of non-functional plasma enzymes and Isoenzymes;
Carbohydrate metabolism and its disorders: Glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle,
Carbohydrate fermentation pathway. Disorders – Diabetes mellitus, Bovine
Ketosis, Pregnancy toxemia, Lactic acidosis and Bloat in ruminants; Lipid
metabolism and its disorders: Beta oxidation of fatty acids, ketone body
formation, Disorders- Bovine Ketosis, Pregnancy toxemia; Lipid Profile in
disease diagnosis; Protein metabolism and its disorders: Urea cycle and Urea
poisoning in ruminants. Utilization of NPN compounds by ruminants; Organ
Function tests: Liver function and Renal function tests-Biochemical tests for
differential diagnosis.

General and Systematic Veterinary Bacteriology – Bacterial Diseases of
Veterinary Importance in relation to Isolation, Culture, Morphology,
Biochemical and Antigenic Characteristics, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and
control. Veterinary Mycology–Important Pathogenic Fungi in relation to
Isolation, Culture, Morphology, Biochemical and Antigenic Characteristics,
Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Control. General and Systematic Veterinary Virology – Structure, Viral Replication, Viral Pathogenesis, Viral
Interaction, and Oncogenesis – Important Veterinary Viral Diseases – RNA
and DNA Viruses, Cultivation, Pathogenesis, Clinical Sciences, and Diagnosis.
Veterinary Immunology – Antigen – Types of Immunity, Antigen and
Antibody, Concepts of Immunity and Microbes, Vaccine and other Biologicals
–Antigen and Antibody-based Diagnostic Test and Microbial Biotechnology. Epidemiology–definitions, terms, triad, concept, scope, objectives, and uses.
Monitoring and surveillance, epidemiological disciplines, methods, mode and
route of disease transmission, rates, ratios, the occurrence of disease,
properties of diagnostic tests, the gradient of infection, and pattern of
diseases. Epidemiology, treatment, prevention, and control of common
bacterial, viral, fungal, rickettsial, protozoan, ectoparasitic and endoparasitic
diseases of livestock, poultry, companion animals, and wildlife species,
regional – emerging and re-emerging important diseases. Allergic skin tests,
modern diagnostic techniques, and vaccination protocol for infectious
Role of Veterinarians in public health, one health concept- Milk Hygiene, Meat
Hygiene – Foodborne diseases and Food Safety, Zoonoses – Classification,
Zoonotic diseases of bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic and rickettsial origin Prevention and control of Zoonotic Diseases – Emerging and Re-Emerging Zoonoses -Biodiversity -Environmental contaminants in the food chain – Air, water, Thermal, radiation and land pollution – water purification, Chlorination – Sanitation and disinfection of farm and hospital -Management of waste from animal industries – Role of Pollution Control Board in India – Disaster Management – Vector control and reservoir control.

General concepts and etiology of diseases in animals; Common pathological conditions seen in domestic, wild, zoo, and laboratory animals and birds. Veterinary clinical pathology methods (with special reference to hematology, urinalysis, biopsy, and cytology) as rapid diagnostic methods. General oncology and pathology of various types of tumors in domestic animals. General principles and procedures of necropsy; Collection, preservation, and dispatch of morbid materials for laboratory diagnosis; Vetero-legal necropsy procedures.

Classification of Parasites–Parasite and parasitism in animals; important morphological features, life-cycles, mode of transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis, chemotherapy, prophylaxis, and general control measures of parasites associated with disease in animals, birds, captive and free range wild animals.
Drug action–Pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism,
and excretion), Pharmacodynamics – (types and structure of receptors.

Dose-response curve)-Anaesthetics(local and general), analgesics,
sedatives – drugs for euthanasia of animals – Chemotherapy (general
principles including resistance, antibacterials, anthelmintics, antiprotozoals) – Toxicology (toxicity of pesticides, herbs, venoms, and toxins) –pharmacy (pharmaceutical calculations, prescription writing)– useful herbal preparations.


Farming and types of farming in India. Early extension efforts in India.
Extension Education – Principles, philosophy, objectives, dimensions.
Extension Educational Process. Teaching and learning process. Rural
development programs. Panchayati Raj. Sociology and Rural sociology in
animal husbandry extension–culture, tribal, rural and urban communities,
social control, social stratification, social institutions, social change,
leadership. Adoption and diffusion of innovations – innovation-decision
process, attributes of innovations, adopter categories, factors affecting
adoption and diffusion process, and the role of change agents. Extension
program planning and evaluation. Livestock and poultry development
programs in India. TOT Projects of ICAR. Communication – Process,
elements, theories, and methods. ICT sand their application in the livestock
sector. Gender and animal husbandry. Sustainable livestock production.

General and special clinical examination – General systemic state – etiology,
clinical signs, pathogenesis, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment
and management of diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular,
respiratory, urinary, nervous, musculoskeletal, hemopoietic, Mammary gland,
skin and sense organs – zoo and wild animal diseases-etiology, clinical signs,
pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and control of metabolic, deficiency
diseases – Ethics and jurisprudence and animal welfare in domestic and wild
Female reproductive physiology, Puberty and sexual maturity, Aberrations of
estrus and their clinical management, Problems in estrus detection and estrus
detection aids, Follicular dynamics, Ovulation and its aberrations,
Fertilization, Embryonic mortality, Anoestrum and repeat breeding syndrome,
Diagnostic procedures in infertility investigation in female animals, Clinical
uses of hormones and drugs in the management of infertility, Assisted
reproductive techniques – Synchronization of estrus and ovulation, Multiple
ovulation and embryo transfer technology in livestock and zoo animals,
Invitro fertilization, Maternal recognition of pregnancy, Pregnancy diagnosis
and factors affecting gestation length, Implantation, Placentation and its
classification, Abortion, Accidents of gestation, Pre, peri and postpartum
complications, Parturition and its stages, Dystocia and obstetrical
interventions, Obstetrical anesthesia, Male sexual behaviour and libido,
semen collection techniques, semen evaluation, semen extenders and
cryopreservation, Artificial insemination techniques in farm and pet animals,
Forms of male infertility, Breeding soundness evaluation of bull, Medical and
surgical procedures for population control of there production.Reproductive physiology; hormones and reproduction; Accidents of gestation,
livestock fertility and infertility; artificial insemination; semen characteristics
of different species of livestock and cryopreservation. Multiple ovulation and
embryo transfer technology in livestock and zoo animals Reproductive
disorders and their management.
General surgical principles – pre-and post-operative considerations,
anesthesia, asepsis and anti-sepsis and sterilization; scope, history and
development of veterinary radiology; Imaging pathology of different parts of
body-surgical emergencies–Intensive care– Physiotherapy – Diathermy.
Aural Hematoma in dogs-Small Animal GI tract surgical affections-Esophageal foreign Body – GDV – Intussusception – Foreign body syndrome
– Megacolon – Ophthalmic affections in small animals – Amputation of tailLarge Animal GI tract affections – Choke – Rumenotomy – Abomasal
Affections – Cecal Dilation and Torsion- Atresia Ani-Urogenital affections in
small and large animals – Cystotomy – Uretherotomy – Pernieal
Uretherostomy -Tube Cystotomy. Orthopaedic Examination of Small
Animals-Principles of Internal Fixation – Osteoarthritis and Hip Dysplasia Patellar luxation in small animals. Conformation of Horses-Lameness
examination in large animals-Hoof affections on horses and cattlemusculoskeletal diseases.

Layout and management of rural, urban, and modern abattoirs. HACCP
concepts in abattoir management. Animal welfare and pre-slaughter care of
meat animals. Significance of Meat Inspection in Wholesome Meat Production
Procedures of antemortem and post-mortem examination of meatanimals.
Slaughtering and dressing of meat animals and birds. Importance of
evaluation of meat animals and grading their carcasses. Utilization of abattoir
by products, rendering, and treatment of condemned meat and carcasses.
Management of effluent emanating from abattoir. The prospect of the meat
industry in India. Structure and composition of muscle. Conversion of muscle
to meat. Nutritive value of meat. Fraudulent substitution of meat.
Preservation of meat and poultry; drying, salting, curing, smoking, chilling,
freezing, canning, irradiation, and chemicals. Aging of meat. Modern
processing technologies of meat and meat products. Concept of value
addition – Importance of value addition in the meat industry. Physicochemical and microbiological quality of meat and its products. Nutritive value
of egg. FSSAI, Codex Alimentarius Commission rules, and regulations
pertaining to meat.
Retrospect and prospects of milk industry in India – Layout of milk
processing plant and its management – Composition and nutritive value of
milk – factors affecting milk composition. Physico-chemical properties of
milk. Collection, chilling, standardization, pasteurization, UHT treatment,
homogenization, and bactofugation. Preparation of cream, butter, ghee,
channa, paneer, khoa, ice cream, dahi, lassi, mozzarella cheese, and dairy
by-products – Dried, dehydrated and fermented milk – Introduction to functional milk products -Organic milk products. Common defects of milk
products and their remedial measures –Microbiological deterioration of milk
and milk products–Packaging, transportation, storage and distribution of
milk and milk products-Good manufacturing practices and implementation of
HACCP in milk plant-Food safety standards for milk and milk products-Cleaning and sanitation in milk plant – Dairy effluent management – Sampling of milk -Platform tests- Estimation of fat, solid not fat (SNF) and total solids – Cream separation –Detection of adulteration of milk-Determination of efficiency of pasteurization.






Role livestock management – food security-Livestock Population
Census in the nation and state -Policy note on Animal Husbandry,
Government of Tamil Nadu–Current Livestock Development programs and
polices of State and Nation-Legislation for control of animal diseases – Legal
duties of Veterinarian – Common offences against animals and laws
governing import and export of animals – Certification of products- Drugs and
cosmetic Act1940, Good Manufacturing practices of veterinary biologicals,
Basic knowledge on Institutional Bio safety Committee (IBSC), Committee for
the control and supervision of experimentation on animals (CCSEA) and
Animal Welfare Board (AWB).Contribution of Livestock sector to National and
State Economy. WTO, TRIPS, IPR and their impact on livestock sector. Export
and import of livestock and livestock products.

Animal Breeding and Genetics
Important breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig and poultry with
special reference to economic characters- Principles of Genetics and
Cytogenetics- Basis of Population Genetics – Hardy-Weinberg Law, Effects of
selection, migration, mutation, genetic drift and in breeding on gene and
genotype frequencies, Effective Population Size, Genetic parameters-Animal
Breeding: Aids to selection, methods of selection and culling, Sire Evaluation
& Breeding value estimation, Field Progeny Testing, Response to selection.
Methods of breeding –In breeding and out breeding–Nucleus Breeding
Systems, Synthetic breed formation, selection for combining ability in poultry
– Molecular techniques and their applications in Animal Breeding including
DNA chips and selection of High Genetic Merit breeding stock –Current live
stock and poultry breeding policies and programmes in the state and
country-Wild animal breeding in captivity. Pet animals and birds–breeds and
breeding-Laboratory Animal Breeding-Conservation of Animal Genetic
Resources.Animal Nutrition
Nutritional terms and definitions-Proximate composition and fibre
fractions of feeds- Digestion and metabolism of nutrients in ruminants and
non-ruminants. Importance of minerals and Vitamins in ruminants & non
ruminants –Classification of feeds and fodders, antinutritional factors-Storage
and conservation of feeds and fodders–Formulation of rations and feeding of
Livestock, Poultry, Laboratory and pet animals –Utilisation of unconventional feeds, Industrial and animal by-products-Wildlife nutrition. Use of feed
additives. Feed milling technology-Laws and regulations of feed manufacturing
industry, Codex alimentarius, HACCP. Therapeutic diets for pet animals-Feeding of animals during disaster-Hydrophonic fodder -nano nutrients in
animal production.Livestock Production Management
Common terms used in Animal Husbandry – Identification, Dentition
and Age of animals – Watering livestock – Removal and disposal of manure
and other animal waste –Disposal of carcasses and bio medical waste –
Effect of environment on the health and productivity of livestock and
measures to counteract it – Different systems of housing, enriched housing
models, environmental controlled housing for livestock, Housing
considerations for various classes of livestock with special reference to
laboratory animals-Scientific techniques and regime of feeding and
watering different categories of livestock-Traits of economic importance
and their inter-relationships-labour management-clean milk production management strategies different classes of livestock- Indices to assess
there productive efficiency- Milk parlour systems- laws and practices
governing dairy sector in India- Draught animal power- Climatology and
livestock production- THSI index- effect of photo period on livestock
productivity-Livestock and global warming-Behaviour and Animal Welfare-Significance of laboratory animal production and management-Management of companion animals and its management strategies-Economic importance of integrated farming system- Hatchery
management-Different systems of poultry management – sexing and
brooding of chicks – Common symptoms of diseases and control
measures-Farm record maintenance.

Livestock Products Technology (Dairy Science)
Retrospect and prospects of milk industry in India – Layout of milk
processing plant and its management – Composition and nutritive value of
milk – factors affecting milk composition. Physico-chemical properties of
milk. Collection, chilling, standardization, pasteurization, UHT treatment,
homogenization, and bactofugation. Preparation of cream, butter, ghee,
channa, paneer, khoa, ice cream, dahi, lassi, mozzarella cheese, and dairy
by-products – Dried, dehydrated and fermented milk – Introduction to
functional milk products –Organic milk products. Common defects of milk
products and their remedial measures-Microbiological deterioration of milk
and milk products–Packaging, transportation, storage and distribution of
milk and milk products-Good manufacturing practices and implementation of
HACCP in milk plant-Food safety standards for milk and milk products-Cleaning and sanitation in milk plant – Dairy effluent management – Sampling of milk -Platform tests- Estimation of fat, solid not fat (SNF) and total solids – Cream separation –Detection of adulteration of milk-Determination of efficiency of pasteurization. Role of milk and milk products in human nutrition, Detection of adulterants in milk. Food safety Norms FSSAI.

Livestock Products Technology (Meat Science)
Layout and management of rural, urban, and modern abattoirs. HACCP
concepts in abattoir management. Animal welfare and pre-slaughter care of
meat animals. Significance of Meat Inspection in Wholesome Meat Production
Procedures of antemortem and post-mortem examination of meat animals.
Slaughtering and dressing of meat animals and birds. Importance of
evaluation of meat animals and grading their carcasses. Utilization of abattoir
by products, rendering, and treatment of condemned meat and carcasses.
Management of effluent emanating from abattoir. The prospect of the meat
industry in India. Structure and composition of muscle. Conversion of muscle
to meat. Nutritive value of meat. Fraudulent substitution of meat.
Preservation of meat and poultry; drying, salting, curing, smoking, chilling,
freezing, canning, irradiation, and chemicals. Aging of meat. Modern
processing technologies of meat and meat products. Concept of value
addition – Importance of value addition in the meat industry. Physicochemical and microbiological quality of meat and its products. Nutritive value
of egg. FSSAI, Codex Alimentarius Commission rules, and regulations
pertaining to meat.


Principles of extension education – Extension teaching methods, Audio
visual aids -Characteristics of rural & urban societies. Diffusion of
innovations, Innovation decision process, Adopter categories and factors
influencing adoption of technologies, Panchayat Raj. Selection and training
of leaders. Extension programme planning and evaluation. Principles and
elements of animal husbandry extension management. Human resource
management in the animal husbandry sector. ICT initiatives in Livestock
Sector, State and Central Governmental Schemes – Role of animals in the
economy of livestock owners. Statistics of animal and poultry – National
and State wise. Milk and sheep co-operatives – Marketing of livestock and
its products. Preparation of feasibility reports and projects (Economics of a
dairy unit, poultry, piggery, sheep & goat units). Per capita availability and
consumption of milk, meat and egg. Impact of AH programs in the state.
Livestock entrepreneurship, avenues and job opportunities.


Veterinary Anatomy
Gross study of bones of Ox and differences in Horse, Dog, Pig and Fowl,
Palpable bony prominences of body of domestic animals, joints and muscles
of skeleton of Ox. Gross study of heart and its conduction system, General
plan of Pulmonary and systemic circulation, Palpable lymphnodes and arteries
of the body of domestic animals. Surface veins for Venepuncture, Gross anatomy of Brain and Spinal cord, Gross study of organs of digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive system of Ox, Horse, Dog, Pig and Fowl, Systemic histology.

Veterinary Physiology
Digestion, metabolism and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and
fats in simple stomach animals and ruminants-mechanism of respiration.
General functions of blood (blood cells, plasma & serum) coagulation, blood
groups in animals, cardiac cycle, Blood circulation, Blood pressure, renal
function. Hormonal control of Lactogenesis. Endocrine control of
Physiological system and application of hormones on Production-Renal
System-Significance of Avian Excretory System-Physiological Significance of
Avian Respiration-Stress Physiology-Mode of Stress management by body-Immune responses and Immune Physiology.


General surgical principles – Asepsis and Antisepsis – sutures and
suturing methods -Pre medication and Anaesthesia (Local Regional and
General) in small and large animals–Anesthetic Monitoring-Anesthetic
Emergencies and management-Anesthesia of wild and captive animals.
Aural Hematoma in dogs – Small Animal GI tract surgical affections-Esophageal foreign Body-GDV-Intussusception-Foreign body syndrome Megacolon-Ophthalmic affections in small animals-Amputation of tail-Large
Animal GI tract affections – Choke-Rumenotomy – Abomasal Affections-Cecal Dilation and Torsion – Atresia Ani-Urogenital affections in small and
large animals – Cystotomy-Uretherotomy-Pernieal Uretherostomy-Tube
Cystotomy. Orthopaedic Examination of Small Animals-Principles of
Internal Fixation-including pinning, plating and external skeletal fixators.
Fracture and its complications-Osteoarthritis and Hip Dysplasia-Patellar
luxation in small animals- Spinal cord affections and its surgical
management. Conformation of Horses-Lameness examination in large
animals-Hoof affections on horses and cattle-musculoskeletal diseases-Principles of fracture fixation in large animals. Common surgical affections
and operative procedures (Wound, Fracture, and dislocation) – cosmetic
surgical operations – Imaging techniques Principles of radiographic
interpretation- Ultrasound diagnostic imaging – CT Scan and MRI
techniques. Pre-operative and post-operative care of animals-Intensive
care-Physiotherapy-Diathermy–Surgical Emergencies.


Role of hormones in various phases of reproduction in female & male
– Symptoms of estrus and estrous cycle-Embryo Transfer Technology-Fertility and infertility in female & male, diagnosis and treatment-Pregnancy diagnosis – Diseases and accidents during gestation, Abortion Causes and treatment, Stage of parturition in domestic animals-Types of dystocia, handling, diagnosis and treatment, post-partum diseases, and complications –Collection and evaluation and preservation of semen-Handling of frozen semen- Techniques of AI-Breeding soundness examination of bulls – Castration in different species. In-vitro fertilization- Transgenic animal production – Sexing of gametes and embryos-Herd
health improvement program.


Veterinary Microbiology
General Microbiology-Microscopy Bacterialgrowth, Nutrition, metabolism Bacterial Genetics – Determinants and pathogenicity markers – bacteriophages – antimicrobial agents-resistance and susceptibility. Morphological structure of virus-classification of virus Replication of DNA & RNA viruses – Viral Interactions, pathogenesis, persistence, oncogenic virusImmune response to viral infections. Systematic veterinary Bacteriology and Virology Bacterial and Viral diseases of veterinary importance – etiology, antigenic and structural components, pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and control– Prions, emerging & trans boundary diseases. Veterinary immunology -Poultry & livestock immune system – types of immunity-Organs and cells of Immune system – Antigens and its characteristics – Immunoglobulins -MHC– Hypersensitivity–Antigen-antibody Interaction–Immunological diseases Veterinary Vaccine, Quality control recent advances in Vaccine delivery Adjuvants – Vaccine failure. Veterinary Mycology, morphology, cultural characters – virulence factors – Antigenic components-pathogenesis Diagnosis and control of fungal in fection-Systematic study & animal mycoses.

Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Epidemiology–definitions, terms, triad, concept, scope, objectives, and
uses. Monitoring and surveillance, epidemiological disciplines – investigations,
methods, mode and route of disease transmission, observational studies,
rates, ratios, occurrence of disease, properties of diagnostic tests, gradient of
infection, pattern of diseases, survey, Data collection and ecosystem.
Epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,
differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of common bacterial,
viral, fungal, rickettsial, protozoan and parasitic diseases (ecto and endo) of
livestock, poultry, companion animals and wild life species, regional –
emerging and re- emerging important diseases, notifiable diseases, Allergic skin tests – Intradermal tests, and recent serology and molecular diagnostic techniques – disease out break investigations and vaccines-quality control vaccination protocol for infectious diseases of livestock, poultry and pet animals – World Organisation for Animal Health


Veterinary Pathology
General Pathology: Causes of diseases – Neoplasm – Disturbances of cell metabolism and growth. Systemic Pathology: Cardio vascular, respiratory, digestive, genital, nervous and skin. Pathology of important diseases caused by bacteria, virus, fungi, helminths and protozoa in livestock and poultry. Clinical Pathology: Examination of clinical materials, postmortem techniques, vetro – Legal implications – Collection and despatch of materials. Preservation of specimens.
Veterinary Parasitology
Classification of parasites – General life cycle, mode of transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and control of Trematodes, Cestodes, Nematodes, arthropods and Protozoa in animals and birds. Use and abuse of antiparasitic drug, anti-parasitic drug resistance, Parasites of zoonotic importance -Anti-parasitic vaccines.


Veterinary Clinical Medicine
General – Special and systemic clinical examinations – Clinical diagnostic techniques -Diseases of digestive system, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, nervous, musculoskeletal, hemopoietic, mammary gland, skin and sense organs – Etiology, clinical signs, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of metabolic diseases and deficiency diseases (Minerals and vitamins)– Diseases of toxicants-Fluid therapy including blood transfusion-emergency and critical care medicine-Ethics and jurisprudence in domestic and wild animals-Interpretation of laboratory results.
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
Drug action-Pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion), Pharmacodynamics-Local and general anaesthetics- Antibiotics and chemotherapy–Toxicology, Ethno veterinary medicine. Pharmacy–Preparation of ointments liniments and injectableDispensing of pharmaceutical preparations. Pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, biotransformation, excretion) – Pharmacodynamics (structure and function of receptors, dose-response curve) – Anaesthetics (local and general), sedatives, analgesics-chemotherapy (general principles including resistance, antibacterials, anthelmintics, antiprotozoal) – Toxicology (General principles of treatment of poisoning, antidotes, toxicity of pesticides, herbs, venoms, and toxins) – herbal drugs in veterinary practice–Pharmacy (calculations, prescription writing, drug approval process)

கட்டாய தமிழ்மமாழி தகுதித் தேர்விற்கான பாடத்திட்டம்
பத்தாம் வகுப்பு தரம்

  1. பிரித்தெழுதுதல் / சேர்த்தெழுதுதல்.
  2. எதிர்ச்சொல்லை எடுத்தெழுதுதல்.
  3. பொருந்தாச் சொல்லைக் கண்டறிதல்.
  4. பிழைதிருத்தம் (i) சந்திப்பிழையை நீக்குதல் (ii) மரபுப்பிழைகள், வழுவுச் சொற்களை நீக்குதல் /பிறமொழிச் சொற்களை நீக்குதல்.
  5. ஆங்கிலச் சொல்லுக்கு நேரான தமிழ்ச் சொல்லை அறிதல்
  6. ஒலி மற்றும் பொருள் வேறுபாடறிந்து சரியான பொருளையறிதல்.
  7. ஒரு பொருள் தரும் பல சொற்கள்.
  8. வேர்ச்சொல்லைத் தேர்வு செய்தல்.
  9. வேர்ச்சொல்லைக் கொடுத்து / தொழிற்பெயரை / உருவாக்கல். வினைமுற்று, வினையெச்சம், வினையாலணையும் பெயர்,
  10. அகரவரிசைப்படி சொற்களை சீர் செய்தல்.
  11. சொற்களை ஒழுங்குப்படுத்தி சொற்றொடராக்குதல்
  12. இரு வினைகளின் பொருள் வேறுபாடு அறிதல்.(எ.கா.) குவிந்து-குவித்து
  13. விடைக்கேற்ற வினாவைத் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தல்
  14. எவ்வகை வாக்கியம் எனக் கண்டெழுதுதல் – தன்வினை, பிறவினை, செய்வினை, செயப்பாட்டு வினை வாக்கியங்களைக் கண்டெழுதுதல்.
  15. உவமையால் விளக்கப்பெறும் பொருத்தமான பொருளைத் தேர்ந்தெழுதுதல்
  16. அலுவல் சார்ந்த சொற்கள் (கலைச்சொல்)
  17. விடை வகைகள்.
  18. பிறமொழிச் சொற்களுக்கு இணையான தமிழ்ச் சொற்களைக் கண்டறிதல் (எ.கா.) கோல்டு பிஸ்கட் – தங்கக்கட்டி.
  19. ஊர்ப் பெயர்களின் மரூஉவை எழுதுக (எ.கா.) தஞ்சாவூர் – தஞ்சை
  20. நிறுத்தற்குறிகளை அறிதல்.
  21. பேச்சுவழக்கு, எழுத்துவழக்கு (வாரான் – வருகிறான்).
  22. சொற்களை இணைத்து புதிய சொல் உருவாக்கல்
  23. பொருத்தமான காலம் அமைத்தல்(இறந்தகாலம், நிகழ்காலம், எதிர்காலம்).
  24. சரியான வினாச்சொல்லைத் தேர்ந்தெடு.
  25. சரியான இணைப்புச் சொல்(எனவே, ஏனெனில், ஆகையால், அதனால், அதுபோல).
  26. அடைப்புக்குள் உள்ள சொல்லைத் தகுந்த இடத்தில் சேர்க்க.
  27. இருபொருள் தருக.
  28. குறில் – நெடில் மாற்றம், பொருள் வேறுபாடு.
  29. கூற்று, காரணம் – சரியா? தவறா?
  30. கலைச் சொற்களை அறிதல் :-எ.கா. – Artificial Intelligence – செயற்கைநுண்ணறிவு Super Computer – மீத்திறன் கணினி
  31. பொருத்தமான பொருளைத் தெரிவு செய்தல்
  32. சொற்களின் கூட்டுப் பெயர்கள் (எ.கா.) புல் –புற்கள்
  33. சரியான தொடரைத் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தல்
  34. பிழைதிருத்துதல் (ஒரு-ஓர்)
  35. சொல் – பொருள் – பொருத்துக
  36. ஒருமை-பன்மைபிழை
  37. பத்தியிலிருந்து வினாவிற்கான சரியான விடையைத் தேர்ந்தெடு.


UNIT-I: GENERAL SCIENCE (i) Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Temper – Power of Reasoning – Rote Learning vs Conceptual Learning – Science as a tool to understand the past, present and future.
(ii) Nature of Universe – General Scientific Laws – Mechanics – Properties of Matter, Force, Motion and Energy – Everyday application of the Basic Principles of Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Sound, Heat, Nuclear Physics, Laser, Electronics and Communications.
(iii) Elements and Compounds, Acids, Bases, Salts, Petroleum Products, Fertilisers, Pesticides.
(iv) Main concepts of Life Science, Classification of Living Organisms, Evolution, Genetics, Physiology, Nutrition, Health and Hygiene, Human Diseases.
(v) Environment and Ecology.
UNIT-II: CURRENT EVENTS (i) History – Latest diary of events – National symbols – Profile of States – Eminent personalities and places in news – Sports – Books and authors.
(ii) Polity – Political parties and political system in India – Public awareness and General administration – Welfare oriented Government schemes and their utility, Problems in Public Delivery Systems.
(iii) Geography – Geographical landmarks.
(iv) Economics – Current socio – economic issues.
(v) Science – Latest inventions in Science and Technology.
(vi) Prominent Personalities in various spheres – Arts, Science, Literature and Philosophy.
UNIT-III: GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA (i) Location – Physical features – Monsoon, Rainfall, Weather and Climate – Water Resources – Rivers in India – Soil, Minerals and Natural Resources – Forest and Wildlife – Agricultural pattern.
(ii) Transport – Communication.
(iii) Social Geography – Population density and distribution – Racial, Linguistic Groups and Major Tribes.
(iv) Natural calamity – Disaster Management – Environmental pollution: Reasons and preventive measures – Climate change – Green energy.
UNIT–IV: HISTORY AND CULTURE OF INDIA (i) Indus Valley Civilization – Guptas, Delhi Sultans, Mughals and Marathas – Age of Vijayanagaram and Bahmani Kingdoms – South Indian History.
(ii) Change and Continuity in the Socio-Cultural History of India.
(iii) Characteristics of Indian Culture, Unity in Diversity – Race, Language, Custom.
(iv) India as a Secular State, Social Harmony.
UNIT-V: INDIAN POLITY (i) Constitution of India – Preamble to the Constitution – Salient features of the Constitution – Union, State and Union Territory.
(ii) Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy.
(iii) Union Executive, Union Legislature – State Executive, State Legislature – Local Governments, Panchayat Raj.
(iv) Spirit of Federalism: Centre – State Relationships.
(v) Election – Judiciary in India – Rule of Law.
(vi) Corruption in Public Life – Anti-corruption measures – Lokpal and Lok Ayukta – Right to Information – Empowerment of Women – Consumer Protection Forums, Human Rights Charter.
UNIT-VI: INDIAN ECONOMY (i) Nature of Indian Economy – Five year plan models – an assessment – Planning Commission and Niti Ayog.
(ii) Sources of revenue – Reserve Bank of India – Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy – Finance Commission – Resource sharing between Union and State Governments – Goods and Services Tax.
(iii) Structure of Indian Economy and Employment Generation, Land Reforms and Agriculture – Application of Science and Technology in Agriculture – Industrial growth – Rural Welfare Oriented Programmes – Social Problems – Population, Education, Health, Employment, Poverty.
UNIT-VII: INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT (i) National Renaissance – Early uprising against British rule – Indian National Congress – Emergence of leaders – B.R.Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh, Bharathiar, V.O.Chidambaranar Jawaharlal Nehru, Kamarajar, Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Thanthai Periyar, Rajaji, Subash Chandra Bose, Rabindranath Tagore and others.
(ii) Different modes of Agitation: Growth of Satyagraha and Militant Movements.
(iii) Communalism and Partition.
UNIT-VIII: History, Culture, Heritage and Socio – Political Movements
in Tamil Nadu
(i) History of Tamil Society, related Archaeological discoveries, Tamil Literature from Sangam Age till contemporary times.
(ii) Thirukkural : (a) Significance as a Secular Literature
(b) Relevance to Everyday Life
(c) Impact of Thirukkural on Humanity
(d) Thirukkural and Universal Values – Equality, Humanism, etc
(e) Relevance to Socio – Politico – Economic affairs
(f) Philosophical content in Thirukkural
(iii) Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle – Early agitations against British Rule – Role of women in freedom struggle.
(iv) Evolution of 19th and 20th Century Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu – Justice Party, Growth of Rationalism – Self Respect Movement, Dravidian Movement and Principles underlying both these Movements, Contributions of Thanthai Periyar and Perarignar Anna.
UNIT–IX: Development Administration in Tamil Nadu (i) Human Development Indicators in Tamil Nadu and a comparative assessment across the Country – Impact of Social Reform Movements in the Socio – Economic Development of Tamil Nadu.
(ii) Political parties and Welfare schemes for various sections of people – Rationale behind Reservation Policy and access to Social Resources – Economic trends in Tamil Nadu – Role and impact of social welfare schemes in the Socio – Economic Development of Tamil Nadu.
(iii) Social Justice and Social Harmony as the Cornerstones of Socio-Economic Development.
(iv) Education and Health Systems in Tamil Nadu.
(v) Geography of Tamil Nadu and its impact on Economic growth.
(vi) Achievements of Tamil Nadu in various fields.
(vii) e-Governance in Tamil Nadu.
UNIT-X: APTITUDE AND MENTAL ABILITY (i) Simplification – Percentage – Highest Common Factor (HCF) – Lowest Common Multiple (LCM).
(ii) Ratio and Proportion.
(iii) Simple interest – Compound interest – Area – Volume – Time and Work.
(iv) Logical Reasoning – Puzzles-Dice – Visual Reasoning – Alpha numeric Reasoning – Number Series.

TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் தேர்வு முறை 2023



Duration Maximum Marks Minimum qualifying marks for selection
SC, SC(A), ST,
(i) Paper I Subject Paper – 200
QuestionsFor the post of Research Assistant
in the Institute of Veterinary
Preventive Medicine, Ranipet
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary
(Post Graduate Degree Standard)
(Code No.397)For the post of Manager (Veterinary)
in Tamil Nadu Co-operative
Milk Producer’s Federation Limited
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary
Science (UG Degree Standard)
(Code No:396)
3 Hours 300 153 204
(ii) Paper II (Total 200 questions)
(Common for Both posts)

Tamil Eligibility Test * (SSLC Std)
(100 questions)

1 1/2
(This mark will
not be taken
into account
for ranking)


(General Studies)        (Code No.003)
(100 questions)
General Studies  (Degree Std) -75 questions and
Aptitude & Mental Ability Test
(SSLC Std.) -25 questions

1 1/2
(iii) Interview and Records 60
Total 510

TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் பாடத்திட்டம் 2023 PDF

TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் 2023 பாடத்திட்டத்தில் மேலே குறிப்பிடப்பட்ட தலைப்புகள் தொடர்பான கேள்விகள் இருக்கும். விண்ணப்பதாரர்கள் பாடத்திட்டத்தை முழுமையாக படித்து அதற்கேற்ப தயார் செய்து தேர்வில் நல்ல மதிப்பெண் பெற அறிவுறுத்தப்படுகிறார்கள். TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர்  பாடத்திட்டத்தை PDF பதிவிறக்கம் செய்ய கீழே உள்ள இணைப்பை கிளிக் செய்யவும்.

TNPSC கால்நடை ஆராய்ச்சி உதவியாளர் & மேலாளர் 2023 பாடத்திட்டம் PDF



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