இந்தக் கட்டுரையில், TNPSC குரூப் 1, குரூப் 2, குரூப் 2A, குரூப் 4 மாநிலப் போட்டித் தேர்வுகளான TNUSRB, TRB, TET, TNEB போன்றவற்றுக்கான முறைகள் இலவசக் குறிப்புகளைப் பெறுவீர்கள்.தேர்வுக்கு தயாராவோர் இங்குள்ள பாடக்குறிப்புகளை படித்து பயன்பெற வாழ்த்துகிறோம்.
Human Geography
Types of Minerals
Minerals and related systems in India
The organisations associated with minerals in India are the Geological Survey of India
(Headquarter is at Kolkata)
Indian Bureau of Mines (Headquarter at Nagpur) and
Non-Ferrous Material Technology Development Centre (NFTDC) located at Hyderabad.
The Ministry of Mines is responsible for the administration of all mines and minerals
(Development and Regulation Act, 1957)
Metallic Minerals
Iron ore
Iron ore is the most widely distributed elements of the earth crust, rarely occurs in a
free state
Karnataka alone contributes about 72% of magnetite deposits of India.
Jharkhand is the leading producer of iron ore with 25% the country’s production.
Iron ores found at Kanjamalai in Tamil Nadu.
China is the world’s largest producer of gold.
Karnataka is the largest producer of gold in India
It is the most important mineral for making iron and steel. Nearly 10 kg manganese is
required for manufacturing one ton of steel
MOIL- Manganese Ore India Limited-Nagpur
The largest deposits of manganese, is found in Odisha.
South Africa is the world’s leading producer of manganese
Largest reserves of copper ore is in the state of Rajasthan
Jharkand is the largest producer of copper with 62% of India’s production.
Chile is the world’s number one country in the production of copper.
The main bauxite deposits occur in Odisha
National Aluminium Company Limited, abbreviated as NALCO, (incorporated 1981)
Australia is the world’s leading bauxite producer.
Mexico is the world’s leading silver producer
Like gold, silver also resists corrosion.
Non-Metallic Minerals
In ancient time, Mica was used in ayurvedic medicine.
Abhrak is Good quality mica.
China is the world’s top producer of mica.
About 95 per cent of India’s mica is found in just three states of Andhra Pradesh,
Rajasthan and Jharkhand.
Lime Stone
Limestone is associated with rocks composed of either calcium carbonate or the double
carbonate of calcium and magnesium or mixture of both
China produces more than half of limestone production in the world
Rajasthan produces 82% of the country’s production
Non-Renewable Energy
Coal is an inflammable organic substance composed mainly of hydrocarbons.
Coal is available in the form of sedimentary rocks
It is a valuable one, it is called as “Black Gold”
Based on carbon content, it is classified into the following types.
1. Anthracite: contains 80 to 90% carbon
2. Bituminous: contains 60 to 80% carbon
3. Lignite: contains 40 to 60% carbon
4. Peat: contains less than 40% carbon
The states of Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh alone account for
nearly 90% of coal reserves of the country.
Jharkhand is the largest coal producing state in the country
Coal India Limited – kolkata
Petroleum (or) Crude oil
The word petroleum has been derived from two Latin words petro (meaning – Rock) and
oleum (meaning oil).
Petroleum is an inflammable liquid that is composed of hydrocarbons which constitute
90-95% of petroleum and the remaining is chiefly organic compounds containing
oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and traces of organ metallic compounds.
Mumbai high oil fields (largest 65%)
Digboi oil feilds (oldest fields in country)
Natural Gas
Natural gas usually accompanies the petroleum accumulations.
It is naturally occurring hydro carbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but
commonly includes varying amounts of other higher alkanes and sometimes a small
percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphides.
Gail (India) Limited (GAIL) (formerly known as Gas Authority of India Limited)
It is headquartered in New Delhi.
The Gas Authority of India Ltd [GAIL] is doing pioneer work in the field of natural
Gas exploration. Discovery of gas made rapid strides in the 1985.
Compressed natural gas (CNG) (methane stored at high pressure) is a fuel which can be
used in place of gasoline, diesel fuel and propane/LPG
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