இந்தக் கட்டுரையில், TNPSC குரூப் 1, குரூப் 2, குரூப் 2A, குரூப் 4 மாநிலப் போட்டித் தேர்வுகளான TNUSRB, TRB, TET, TNEB போன்றவற்றுக்கான முறைகள் இலவசக் குறிப்புகளைப் பெறுவீர்கள்.தேர்வுக்கு தயாராவோர் இங்குள்ள பாடக்குறிப்புகளை படித்து பயன்பெற வாழ்த்துகிறோம்.
Sessions in Parliament
A session of a Parliament consists of many meetings, each meeting of a day consists of
two sittings morning sitting (11 am to 1 pm) and after lunch sitting (2 pm to 6 pm).
Termination and suspension of the sitting for a specific period of time (maybe hours,
days, or weeks) is called an adjournment.
Adjournment Sine Die
Adjournment sine die means terminating a sitting of the Parliament for an indefinite period,
which means without intimating the day for reassembly.
Prorogation means the end of the Parliamentary session.
When the Presiding Officer declares the House adjourned sine die and within the next
few days, the President issues a notification for prorogation of the session.
The President can also prorogue the House while in session.
During Dissolution, only the Lok Sabha tends to dissolve.
This dissolution ends all the business including bills, motions, resolutions and notice
petitions pending in the House.
However, certain bills and all bills guaranteed by Parliamentary Committees will not
expire even if the Lok Sabha dissolves.
A bill passed in the Lok Sabha but pending in the Rajya Sabha will also be dissolved.
The bill would not expire if it was not passed by both houses due to differences of
opinion and if the President had called a joint sitting before the dissolution of the
If the Bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha but pending in Lok Sabha, it would not expire.
The bill passed by both houses will not expire if the bill is awaiting the President’s
The bill passed by both houses will not expire even if the Lok Sabha dissolves after the
President sends it for review.
Dissolution ends the current Lok Sabha and a new Lok Sabha is constituted after a
general election.
The dissolution of the Lok Sabha may take place in either of two ways:
Automatic dissolution, that is, on the expiry of its tenure of five years or the terms as
extended during a national emergency; or
Whenever the President decides to dissolve the House, which he is authorised to do
Once the Lok Sabha is dissolved before the completion of its normal tenure, the
dissolution is irrevocable.
Rajya Sabha, being a permanent House, is not subject to dissolution.
Quorum means a minimum number of members required to be present in the House
before the start of the session.
It refers to one-tenth of the total number of members in each House, including the
Presiding officer (55 members present in Lok Sabha and 25 members in the Rajya
Language in Parliament
According to Article 343, the Constitution has declared Hindi and English as the
languages for conducting business in the Parliament.
According to the Constitution, English would be the language of Parliament for 15 years
since the Constitution began.
But as per the Official Language Act of 1943, English will continue to be the language of
Parliament along with Hindi.
However, the Presiding officer can permit a member to address the House in his mother
No discussion on a matter of general public importance can take place except on a
motion made with the consent of the Presiding Officer.
The House expresses its decisions or opinions on various issues through the adoption or
rejection of motions moved by either Ministers or private members.
Closure Motion
It is a motion moved by a member to cut short the debate on a matter before the
If the motion is approved by the House, the debate is stopped forthwith and the matter
is put to vote.
Privilege Motion
It is concerned with the breach of Parliamentary privileges by a Minister.
It is moved by a member when he feels that a Minister has committed a breach of
privilege of the House or one or more of its members by withholding facts of a case or
by giving wrong or distorted facts.
Its purpose is to censure the concerned minister.
Calling Attention Motion
It is introduced in the Parliament by a member to call the attention of a Minister to a
matter of urgent public importance, and to seek an authoritative statement from him on
that matter.
Like the Zero Hour, it is also an Indian innovation in the Parliamentary procedure and
has been in existence since 1954.
However, unlike the Zero Hour, it is mentioned in the Rules of Procedure.
Adjournment Motion
It is introduced in the Parliament to draw the attention of the House to a definite matter
of urgent public importance and needs the support of 50 members to be admitted.
As it interrupts the normal business of the House, it is regarded as an extraordinary
It involves an element of censure against the Government and hence Rajya Sabha is not
permitted to make use of this device.
The discussion on an adjournment motion should last for not less than two hours and
thirty minutes.
No-Confidence Motion
Article 75 of the Constitution says that the Council of Ministers shall be collectively
responsible to the Lok Sabha.
It means that the Ministry stays in the office so long as it enjoys the confidence of the
majority of the members of the Lok Sabha.
In other words, the Lok Sabha can remove the Ministry from office by passing a no-
confidence motion.
The motion needs the support of 50 members to be admitted.
Censure Motion
It is moved for censuring the Council of Ministers for specific policies and actions.
It can be moved against an individual Minister or the entire Council of Ministers.
It should state the reasons for its adoption in the Lok Sabha.
If it is passed in the Lok Sabha, the Council of Ministers need not resign from the office.
Procedure for legislation Bill in Parliament Common to be brought in and passed
Legislative Procedure Article 107 has said Bills are of two types:
Ordinary or non-monetary bills (Ordinary Bills or other than Money Bills)
Money Bills.
Ordinary Bill
Bills other than the money bill may be introduced in the House of Representatives or the
House of Commons.
If there is no consensus on a particular bill, the issue will be decided by a majority of the
members of both houses at the joint session, which will be resolved by the President by
calling a joint sitting or session (Rule 108).
A normal bill must pass three levels
In the first stage, the person who brings the bill, reads the bill and makes a short speech
on it. It will be published in the Gazette after hearing the short speech of the opponents
and then going to the polls.
In the second stage, after this, the whole discussion will take place but amendments will
not be allowed.
Then sent to the appropriate committee. Amendments will be accepted if the text sent
to them on the basis of recommendations for necessary amendments or changes is
discussed in the text.
In the third stage, the public debate will take place and the final vote will take place.
After it is passed in one House, it will be sent to the next House.
Perhaps if one of them refuses to accept, the problem will be resolved by a joint session
Money Bill
The procedure for passing a money bill or a financial bill (Money Bill or Financial Bill) is
slightly different.
The money bill will be introduced in the Lok Sabha first. It also requires the prior
approval of the President.
What is a Money Bill?
Money Bill is defined in Article 110.
Taxation, dismissal, change etc.
Holding a Contingent Fund or Consolidated Fund.
Borrowing or government guarantee.
Appropriation of money.
Such as cash flow from the mobilization fund.
Expenditure from the bulk fund.
Other matters related to the above include the imposition of fines, payment of fees
for a license or a work, taxation of other local bodies, etc., which do not fall within
the grammar of a cash bill.
It is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha who decides whether a bill is a money bill or not. His
decision must be finalized and signed by the President before it can be sent to the
President for approval.
The money bill will be sent to the States for its recommendations after it is passed in the
Lok Sabha.
It should be sent back to the Lok Sabha within 14 days by the State Legislature with its
recommendations. The Lok Sabha may or may not accept these recommendations.
In case of failure to send its recommendations to the States within these fourteen days,
the Bill shall be deemed to have been passed.
Then the Bill is approved by the President or sent to the President for approval. This is
the formality process, because the bill is introduced in the lok sabha with the prior
approval of the president.
If bills other than the money bill are sent to the President for approval, he may suspend
his approval for a short period of time. May be sent back to Parliament for
reconsideration. The constitution does not specify the length of time that the bill can be
put on hold.
But if the same bill is passed again by both of them, it must be approved by the
Article 111 deals with the approval of the bill.
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