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TNPSC Free Notes Polity In English – Schedule and Union State Union Territory

இந்தக் கட்டுரையில், TNPSC குரூப் 1, குரூப் 2, குரூப் 2A, குரூப் 4 மாநிலப் போட்டித் தேர்வுகளான TNUSRB, TRB, TET, TNEB போன்றவற்றுக்கான  முறைகள் இலவசக் குறிப்புகளைப் பெறுவீர்கள்.தேர்வுக்கு தயாராவோர் இங்குள்ள பாடக்குறிப்புகளை படித்து பயன்பெற வாழ்த்துகிறோம்.

Schedule and Union State Union Territory

First Schedule
1. Names of the States and their territorial jurisdiction.
2. Names of the Union Territories and their extent.
Second Schedule

Provisions relating to the emoluments, allowances, privileges and so on of:
1. The President of India
2. The Prime Minister and other Cabinet Ministers
3. The Governors of States
4. The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha
5. The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
6. The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in the states
7. The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council in the states
8. The Judges of the Supreme Court
9. The Judges of the High Courts
10. The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
Third Schedule
Forms of Oaths or Affirmations for:
1. The Union ministers
2. The candidates for election to the Parliament
3. The members of Parliament
4. The judges of the Supreme Court
5. The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
6. The state ministers
7. The candidates for election to the state legislature
8. The members of the state legislature
9. The judges of the High Courts
Fourth Schedule
Allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states and the union territories.

Fifth Schedule
Provisions relating to the administration and control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes.
(Except Assam Tripura Meghalaya Mizoram)
Sixth Schedule
Provisions relating to the administration of tribal areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya,
Tripura and Mizoram

Seventh Schedule
Devolution of Powers between Central and State Governments (list)
1. Central List 100 (formerly 97)
2. State List-62 (formerly 66)
3. Concurrent List 52 (formerly 47)
1. Central List
The departments with legislative powers are the only departments of the Central Government.
(Railway Post Office, Aerial, Naval, Space Research)
2. State List
The State Government is the legislative authority.
(Prison, Police, Fire Department)
3. Concurrent List
The departments which are the only departments with legislative powers are the Central
(Education, Health and Finance Tax)
Eighth Schedule
Languages recognized by the Constitution. Originally, it had 14 languages but presently there
are 22 languages.

14 languages when the Constitution was passed
15 th – Sindhi 1967 21 st Amendment act
16 th – Konkani
17 th – Manipuri 1992 71 st Amendment act
18 th – Nepali
19 th – Bodo

20 th – Tongini
2003 92 nd Amendment act
21 st – Shanthali
22 nd – Maithili
23 rd – Borjbihari (MP) (Language in study stage)
 Goa is a state with two official languages in India
o Marathi
o Konkani
 Nagaland has English as the official language
 Sindhi was added by the 21st Amendment Act of 1967;
 Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali were added by the 71st Amendment Act of 1992;
 Bodo, Dongri, Maithili and Santhali were added by the 92nd Amendment Act of 2003.
 Oriya was renamed as ‘Odia’ by the 96th Amendment Act of 2011.
 Part XVII of the Constitution deals with the official language in Articles 343 to 351.
 Its provisions are divided into four heads namely, Language of the Union, Regional
languages, Language of the judiciary and texts of laws and Special directives.
 The First language committee was appointed in 1955. It submitted its report in 1956.
 As a follow up of the report, parliament enacted the Official Language Act, 1963.
 The act laid down that even after 15 year, English may continued to be used along with
Hindi for all official purposes of the Union and also for transaction of business in
 Again through the Official Languages (Amendment) Act, 1967, it was provided that the
use of English would continue indefinitely.
 The Constitution also permitted certain regional languages to be used for intra-state
official transactions.
 Initially, the Constitution recognized 14 regional languages which were included in the
Eighth Schedule. At present, 22 languages are recognized.
 In 2004, the Government of India decided to create new category of languages called as
“classical languages”. So far, the six languages are granted the classical language status
as follows:
o Tamil (2004),
o Sanskrit (2005),
o Telugu (2008),
o Kannada (2008),
o Malayalam (2013)
o Odia (2014).

Ninth Schedule
 Acts and Regulations (originally 13 but presently 282) of the state legislatures dealing
with land reforms and abolition of the zamindari system and of the Parliament dealing
with other matters.
 This schedule was added by the 1st Amendment (1951) to protect the laws included in it
from judicial scrutiny on the ground of violation of fundamental rights.
 However, in 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that the laws included in this schedule after
April 24, 1973, are now open to judicial review.
Tenth Schedule
Provisions relating to disqualification of the members of Parliament and State Legislatures on
the ground of defection. This schedule was added by the 52 nd Amendment Act of 1985, also
known as Antidefection Law
 If a person who is presently an MP or MLA joins another party from the existing party,
he will be deprived of his post.
 If a person currently MP or MLA is cast in the Assembly or in parliamentary elections in
violation of the party’s order, he will be deprived of his post.
 A party expelled its member from his party and he can join any other party
 One third of the total members of the Party may withdraw from the Party and join any
other party
Eleventh Schedule
 Panchayati Raj – 73 rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992
 Implemented – 24-4-1993
 1957 – Balwant Rai Mehta Committee formed
 1958 – Recommendation for the formation three-tier panchayat raj system
 It was first introduced in Rajasthan on October 2, 1959 and the second state of Andhra
 It has 29 matters
Twelfth Schedule
 This schedule was added by the 74th Amendment Act of 1992.
 Implemented – June 1993
 Municipalities. It has 18 matters.
Union and its Territories

First Schedule of Indian Constitution:
It contains the name of States and Union Territories. Territorial Jurisdiction of states is also
Fourth Schedule:
It contains the provisions in relation to the allocation of seats for States and Union Territories in
the Rajya Sabha
Article 1
 The Union name is India Bharat
 States and Union Names
 The first schedule of the Constitution divides the land area into three
1. State Areas
2. UTs in First Schedule
3. Other lands
Article 2
 The Union may be added or created by the Parliament act.
 Annexing the territory of India into a new state
 Example Sikkim 1975, 35 and 36 Constitutional Amendment Act
Article 3
Formation of new states or alteration of Boundaries
a) A new State can be created by spraying land from one State or by merging two or more
b) The boundaries of the State can be changed
c) Increase the land area of the State
d) Reduce the land area of the State
e) Change the name of the State
 All this can be done only by law on the day of Parliament.
 It is not possible to do it through administrative action without the approval of
 Parliament may change its name and boundaries without the permission of a State
 No Bill can be introduced in Parliament without the prior approval of the President, the
President will first send a report to the concerned State to express its views on the State

 However, the State Legislature does not have to be bound by the President or
 A common majority can create a new State by a law or change the land size or
boundaries or name of the State.
Example: No Exchange with Bangladesh (July 31 2015) 100 Constitutional Amendment or 119
Constitutional Amendment
This requires no constitutional amendment.
Note: Under this, Parliament cannot pass legislation and give indian land to foreign countries
Procedure for creation of State
Prior recommendation of President
The President refers the bill to concerned State Legislature
Specific timeframe (deadline) given by the President to the state to give their suggestion (Y/N)
[If the state wants, the President can Extend the timeframe]
The suggestion given by the state is not binding on the President
This means that the President may either accept or reject the suggestions of the state
legislature, even if the views/suggestions are received on time

The President can directly send the bill to the Parliament

Bill is to be passed in both the Houses with SIMPLE MAJORITY

A state created or abolished
Committee’s of State Creation
There were previously 552 provinces (at the time of independence) except three 549
provinces joined India due to the efforts of Sardar patel
 Hyderabad was incorporated by military operations

 Junakadh joined by referendum
 Jammu and Kashmir merged by agreement
Article 4
The Constitution (Article 4) itself declares that laws made for admission or establishment of
new states (under Article 2) and formation of new states and alteration of areas, boundaries or
names of existing states (under Article 3) are not to be considered as Amendments of the
Constitution under Article 368. This means that such laws can be passed by a simple majority
and by the ordinary legislative process (just an Act).
I. Article 368 – Power of Parliament to amend Constitution
II. Article 2A – Sikkim as Associate State (Repealed)
In 1950, when the new Constitution came into existence, the constituent units of the Indian
union thus found themselves classified into Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D states.
Part A state’s → The erstwhile Governor’s Provinces.
Part B states → The erstwhile Princely States.
Part C states → The erstwhile Chief Commissioner’s provinces as well as some of the
erstwhile princely states.
 Part D states → The Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Dhar commission: (June 1948 to Dec 1948)
Chairman: S.K.Dhar
 The first committee constituted to examine the feasibility of separation of states
on linguistic basis.
 In December 1948, it made its recommendation
 The commission recommended the reorganization of states on administrative
convenience rather than linguistic basis.
JVP committee: (dec 1948 to april 1949)
Members: (no chairman)
 Jawaharlal nehru
 Vallahbhai Patel
 Pattabhi Sitaramayya
 Founded by the Indian National Congress
 to review the S.K. Dhar Committee

 April 1949 submitted its recommendation
 JVP committee supported the recommendation of the S.K. Dhar Committee
 August 1953 the individual demand for Andhra for the people of Telugu Desam
 In this, the person who has died in fasting for 56 days is PottuSriramulu.
 November 1953 Andhra Pradesh was divided into the first linguistic province capital
Creation of states
December 1953 Fazl Ali Committee
Chairman : Fazl Ali (1953)
Other two:
1. K.M. Panikkar
2. K.N. Kunsru
 September 1957 presented its report recommending that india be divided into linguistic
 India was divided into linguistic states
 The State Reorganisation Act was enacted on 1november 1956.
 Integrated Andhra Pradesh 1956 (Telangana+Andhra Pradesh Capital-Hyderabad)
 7 TH Constitutional Amendment Act 1956 was incorporated into the Constitution, and 14
States and 6 Union Territories were created under this rule.
 Before

Part A 9 Province Under the control of the Governor
Part B- 9 Province British controlled
Part E- 10 Province Under the control of The High Commissioner
Part E- 1 Andaman and Nicobar Regions
Of 29

Creation of states
 Andhra Pradesh was created by merging Andhra State with the Telugu speaking districts
of Hyderabad state in 1956.
 Madras state retained its name, with parts of Kanyakumari district was added to from
Tranvancore – Cochin.

 Kerala = Malabar district + Kasaragod Taluk of South Canara districts of Madras state
with Travancore – Cochin.
 Bombay State = Saurastra state + Kutch State.
Demand for new states
 In UP, MP, Bihar – Bundelkhand movement
 In UP – Haritha Pradesh Agitation / movement
 In Karnataka – Kadagu Agitation / movement
 In Maharashtra – Vidharba Agitation
 In Gujarat – Saurastra Agitation / movement
 In Punjab – Kalistan Agitation / movement
 In West Bengal– GorkhalandAgitation
 In Telangana – Telangana Agitation / movement
Tamil Nadu
 In Tamil Nadu, Mr. Shankaralinganar observed fasting for 76 days from 27.07.1956 to
10.10.1956 for the name conversion of Madras Presidency as “Tamizhagam”.
 He was admitted to hospital in Madurai 10.10.1956. Perunthalaivar Kamarajar,Kakkan,
Ma.Po.Sivananam, Peraringnar Anna and Jeevanantham met him in the hospital and
requested him to abandon fasting. But Sankaralinganar was steadfast in his decision and
sacrificed his life for this.
 When Mr.C.N.Anna Durai assumed the office of C.M. of TN for the first time (1967),he
fulfilled the thirst of Sankaralinganar by making necessary amendments in the legislative
assembly and the name was changed to Tamil Nadu in the year 1969.
 Hon’ble former C.M. of TN Selvi. J.Jeyalalithaa inaugurated a Manimandapam on
18.06.2015 for Thiyagi Sankaralinganar which was constructed at Virudhunagar, at a
cost of 77 lakhs INR
Formation of States
 On May 1, 1960, Bombay was bifurcated into two (Maharashtra and Gujarat) and
Gujarat was formed as the 15th State.
 Dadra nagar haveli was formed as union territory on 11-08-1961 as per the 10th
Amendment Act.
 As per the 12th Amendment, Goa, Diu and Daman were formed as Union Territory.
 Nagaland was separated from Assam on 1-12-1963 as per the 13th Amendment to the
1962 Act.
 Pondicherry was created as union territory in 1963 as per the 14th Amendment.

 Punjab was divided into three (Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh) and Haryana as the 17th
State and Chandigarh-Union Territory on 1st November 1966 as recommended by the
Shah Commission.
 Meghalaya was bifurcated from Assam and formed an autonomous state under the
22nd Amendment act.
 Himachal Pradesh was formed as the 18th State on 25-1-1970.
 Manipur was formed as 19th State, Tripura was the 20th state.
 Meghalaya 21st. 26 June 1972 Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram were separated from
Assam and formed as Union Territories.
 Sikkim was merged with India and formed a affiliate state under the 35th Amendment
to 1974. Sikkim was created as the 22nd State as per the 36th Amendment to the Act on
16th May 1975.
 Mizoram was created as 23rd State on 20-02-1987 as per the 53rd Amendment to the
1986 Act.
 Arunachal Pradesh was created as 24th State on 20.02.1987 as per the 54th
Amendment to the Act, 1986.
 Goa was created as the 25th State in the year 1987 as per the 56th Amendment.
 In 1992, Delhi was given special status as the National Capital Territory as per the 69th
Amendment act of 1991.
 Chhattisgarh was separated from Madhya Pradesh on 1-11-2000 and formed the 26th
 Uttaranchal was bifurcated from Uttar Pradesh on 9-11-2000 and formed the 27th
 Jharkhand was separated from Bihar on 15-11-2000 and formed the 28th State.
 Telangana was bifurcated from Andhra Pradesh on 2.06.2014 and formed the 29th
 India currently has 29 States, 7 Union Territories (6 Union Territories, 1 National Capital)
Name changes of States and Union Territories
Old Name Present Name Year
United province Uttar Pradesh 26-01-1950
Madras Tamil Nadu 14-01-1969
Mysore Karnataka

1 November

1973 Laccadive, Minicoy & Aminidivi
islands Lakshadweep
Union Territory of Delhi National Capital Territory of
delhi 1992
Uttaranchal Uttarakhand 2006
Pondicherry Puducherry

Assam Assom
Orissa Odisha 24 March 2011


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