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Top 30 General Science MCQS For OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 07 February 2024

OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor exams often include a section on general science to assess candidates’ knowledge of fundamental scientific principles. This article presents a curated list of 30 General Science Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) suitable for individuals preparing for OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor exams. These questions are designed to challenge your understanding of current science .

Top 30 General Science MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

Mastering these general science concepts is crucial for success in competitive exams. Regular practice with such MCQs will not only enhance your knowledge but also improve your problem-solving skills. Remember to review the explanations for each answer to deepen your understanding of these fundamental scientific principles. Good luck with your preparations!

Q1: What is the meaning of the name “Vyommitra” given to the woman robot astronaut developed by ISRO?

(a) Sky Explorer
(b) Space Friend
(c) Universe Voyager
(d) Star Traveler

Answer: (b) Space Friend

Q2: When is the uncrewed Vyommitra Mission scheduled to take place?

(a) Q1 2024
(b) Q2 2024
(c) Q3 2024
(d) Q4 2024

Answer: (c) Q3 2024

Q3: What is the primary function of Vyommitra during the space mission?

(a) Monitoring module parameters
(b) Conducting spacewalks
(c) Operating spacecraft navigation
(d) Analyzing planetary samples

Answer: (a) Monitoring module parameters

Q4: What does ISRO’s Gaganyaan mission aim to achieve?

(a) Land astronauts on Mars
(b) Establish a permanent space station
(c) Conduct a manned space flight
(d) Launch a robotic rover to the Moon

Answer: (c) Conduct a manned space flight

Q5: What milestone was achieved on October 21 preceding the Gaganyaan mission?

(a) Successful test of crew escape and parachute systems
(b) Completion of the spacecraft’s life support system
(c) Launch of an unmanned spacecraft to Mars
(d) Landing of a rover on the Moon

Answer: (a) Successful test of crew escape and parachute systems

Q6: What is the primary objective of the Gaganyaan mission?

(a) Establishing human colonies on other planets
(b) Demonstrating India’s capabilities in space exploration
(c) Mining resources from asteroids
(d) Studying the atmosphere of Venus

Answer: (b) Demonstrating India’s capabilities in space exploration

Q7: How many panels can Vyommitra operate during the space mission?

(a) Four
(b) Six
(c) Eight
(d) Ten

Answer: (b) Six

Q8: What is Vyommitra?
a) A satellite launched by ISRO
b) A space telescope for deep space observation
c) An artificial intelligence program for space exploration
d) A woman robot astronaut developed by ISRO
Answer: d) A woman robot astronaut developed by ISRO

Q9: Where does the Gaganyaan mission plan to safely return astronauts after their orbit?

(a) Indian desert
(b) Moon’s surface
(c) Mars’ surface
(d) India’s sea waters

Answer: (d) India’s sea waters

Q10: What environment will the Gaganyaan Mission primarily focus on for scientific research?
a) Deep sea
b) Microgravity
c) Polar regions
d) Desert
Answer: b) Microgravity


Q11: When did Oleg Kononenko officially break the world record for the most time spent in space?

(a) February 5th, 2024
(b) February 6th, 2024
(c) June 5th, 2024
(d) September 30th, 2024

Answer: (a) February 5th, 2024

Q12: Whose record did Oleg Kononenko surpass to achieve the world record?

(a) Yuri Gagarin
(b) Neil Armstrong
(c) Gennady Padalka
(d) Valentina Tereshkova

Answer: (c) Gennady Padalka

Q13: What is the projected milestone date for Oleg Kononenko to reach 1,000 days in space?

(a) June 5th, 2024
(b) September 30th, 2024
(c) February 5th, 2024
(d) June 5th, 2025

Answer: (a) June 5th, 2024

Q14: At what age did Oleg Kononenko achieve this world record?

(a) 50
(b) 59
(c) 62
(d) 55

Answer: (b) 59

Q15: What space agency is mentioned in the article as reporting Oleg Kononenko’s record-breaking achievement?

(a) NASA
(b) Roscosmos
(c) ESA
(d) CNSA

Answer: (b) Roscosmos

Q16: In what year was Neuralink founded?

(a) 2014
(b) 2016
(c) 2018
(d) 2020

Answer: (b) 2016

Q17: Which technology powers the extraction of genetic material in BHU’s DNA banks?

(a) Automated Genetic Manipulator
(b) DNA Sequencing Machine
(c) Automated DNA Extractor Machine
(d) Genetic Amplification Device

Answer: (c) Automated DNA Extractor Machine

Q18: What initiative does BHU’s DNA bank emulate for collecting genetic data?

(a) Global Genome Initiative
(b) Human Genome Project
(c) European Genome-Phenome Archive
(d) Estonia’s Genome Bank

Answer: (d) Estonia’s Genome Bank

Q19: BHU’s DNA banks aim to collect genetic data primarily for which purpose?

(a) Agriculture improvement
(b) Space exploration
(c) Personalized medicine
(d) Renewable energy research

Answer: (c) Personalized medicine

Q20: Which institute is spearheading the completion of BHU’s Wildlife DNA Bank?

(a) Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI)
(b) Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
(c) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
(d) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)

Answer: (a) Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI)

Q21: What do BHU’s DNA banks contribute to in terms of healthcare?

(a) Disease prevention through vaccination
(b) Improved surgical techniques
(c) Personalized medical interventions
(d) Public health policy development

Answer: (c) Personalized medical interventions

Q22: How do BHU’s DNA banks enhance understanding of disease transmission dynamics?

(a) Through analysis of meteorological data
(b) By studying population migration patterns
(c) By integrating genetic data into epidemiological models
(d) Through analysis of soil samples

Answer: (c) By integrating genetic data into epidemiological models

Q23: BHU’s Wildlife DNA Bank contributes to the preservation of:

(a) Historical artifacts
(b) Genetic diversity in wildlife
(c) Fossil specimens
(d) Rare plant species

Answer: (b) Genetic diversity in wildlife

Q24: BHU’s DNA banks pave the way for:

(a) Increased pollution levels
(b) Agricultural revolution
(c) Future defined by personalized medicine and genetic enlightenment
(d) Decline in biodiversity

Answer: (c) Future defined by personalized medicine and genetic enlightenment

Q25: What position does BHU’s DNA banks reaffirm for India?

(a) Leading the way in space exploration
(b) Global player in scientific innovation
(c) Pioneer in renewable energy solutions
(d) Forefront of artificial intelligence research

Answer: (b) Global player in scientific innovation

Q26: What groundbreaking achievement has Neuralink, co-founded by Elon Musk, recently accomplished?

(a) Successful launch of a satellite
(b) Implantation of the first brain chip into a human
(c) Invention of a new electric car model
(d) Development of a virtual reality headset

Answer: (b) Implantation of the first brain chip into a human

Q27: How does the first implanted brain chip by Neuralink, known as the “Link,” interface with the human brain?

(a) It sends electrical signals to the brain
(b) It interprets thoughts and sends them to a computer
(c) It monitors brain activity and can stimulate brain regions
(d) It records dreams and memories

Answer: (c) It monitors brain activity and can stimulate brain regions

Q28: What are the primary medical applications of Neuralink’s brain chip implant?

(a) Enhancing physical strength
(b) Controlling emotions
(c) Treating neurological disorders
(d) Augmenting intelligence

Answer: (c) Treating neurological disorders

Q29: What broader applications does Neuralink’s technology hold beyond treating neurological conditions?

(a) Space exploration
(b) Virtual reality gaming
(c) Human enhancement and AI integration
(d) Climate change mitigation

Answer: (c) Human enhancement and AI integration

Q30: What are some of the safety and ethical considerations associated with Neuralink’s brain chip implantation?

(a) Risks of brain surgery and device malfunction
(b) Privacy concerns and government surveillance
(c) Environmental impact of the device
(d) Cultural and religious objections

Answer: (a) Risks of brain surgery and device malfunction


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