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English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams : 16 October 2023

English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams: स्पर्धा परीक्षांमध्ये दरवर्षी समाविष्ट करण्यात आलेल्या विशाल अभ्यासक्रम आणि नवीन प्रश्नसंचांमुळे प्रत्येक विषयाचा पुरेपूर सराव करणे कठीण होते. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams पुनरावृत्तीची प्रक्रिया जलद करतात आणि आपल्याला नियमितपणे अभ्यासात शक्य नसलेल्या प्रश्नांच्या सहाय्याने तो पूर्ण मुद्दा अभ्यासात घेण्यास मदत होते. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams चा सराव केल्यास आपला वेळ वाचतो, आपल्याकडे मॉक टेस्टमध्ये समर्पित करण्यासाठी एक किंवा दोन तास नसल्यास आपण English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams चा प्रयत्न करू शकता. आपल्या सोयीनुसार आपण या Daily Quiz कधीही घेऊ शकता; आपल्याला फक्त 10-12 मिनिटे वाचण्याची आवश्यकता आहे. English Language Quiz केवळ आपला वेळच वाचवत नाही तर हे आपले सामर्थ्य आणि दुर्बलता दोन्ही प्रतिबिंबित करते.

Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams: English Language

सर्व विषय आणि विविध परीक्षांच्या विशिष्ट English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz चा प्रयत्न केला, तर आपण ज्या परीक्षेची तयारी करत आहात जसे की MPSC State Service, MPSC Group B, MPSC Group C, SaralSeva Bharati, Talathi, Police Constable, PMC & PCMC Recruitment, RRB इ. त्यानुसार दररोज तुम्ही Daily Quiz बघू शकता. परीक्षेसाठी तयारी वाढविण्यासाठी English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz हा एक उत्कृष्ट मार्ग आहे. हे आपला वेग वाढवते आणि फक्त काही आठवड्यांत आपणास आपले गुण आणि क्रमवारीत मोठा फरक दिसेल. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz आपली  2023 च्या स्पर्धा परीक्षेची तयारी वर्धित करते. तर चला आजची Quiz पाहुयात.

Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams – English Language: Questions

Q1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank and complete the collocation. Although she didn’t reveal her plans clearly, I had a ________ idea.

(a) clear

(b) concise

(c) complete

(d) rough

Q2. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

The first-year students are bidding farewell to their seniors.

(a) Farewell is to be bid to their seniors by the first-year students.

(b) Farewell was being bid to their seniors by the first-year students.

(c) Farewell is being bid to their seniors by the first-year students.

(d) Their seniors is being bid farewell by the first-year students.

Q3. Parts of the following sentence have been given as options. Select the option that contains a grammatical error.

The jury was not happy with the performance and was quite harsh. The singer took their criticism in heart.

(a) The jury was not happy with the performance

(b) The singer took

(c) their criticism in heart.

(d)  and was quite harsh.

Q4. The question below consists of a set of labeled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

P. He is well aware of the role he and his people play in keeping Shivsagar Lake as beautiful and ecologically thriving.

Q. However, he is also deeply aware of the fact that the urban idea of conservation often seeks to keep traditional dwellers out.

R. Jason, 45, has a quiet, confident presence.

S. He takes a long time to open up and even after that, he speaks little.

(a) RQPS

(b) RSPQ

(c) PSQR

(d) PRSQ

Q5. Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.

Priya assured me, “I can stay in tonight.”

(a) Priya told me that she could stay in this night.

(b) Priya told me that she could stay in that night.

(c) Priya told me that she could stay in tonight.

(d) Priya told me that she can stay in that night.

Q6. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.

I was fascinated by the movie.

(a) The movie fascinated me.

(b) The movie was fascinated to me.

(c) The movie fascinate me.

(d) The movie fascinates me.

Q7. Identify the most appropriate ANTONYM of the highlighted word in the given sentence. The patient was happy that he was given ancient methods of treatment to cure her health condition.

(a) Multiple

(b) Modern

(c) Slow

(d) Primitive

Q8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.


(a) Dissent

(b) Variety

(c) Integrity

(d) Sanction

Q9. The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error.

I had walked for most of the day to Kanpur and then get on the train by Mumbai.

(a) I had walked

(b) to Kanpur and then

(c) get on the train by Mumbai

(d) for most of the day

Q10. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the highlighted segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No substitution required’.

Have you want me to come with you to the dentist?

(a) Has you wanted me

(b) No substitution required

(c) Had you want me

(d) Do you want me

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Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams – English Language: Solutions


S1. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct collocation is “rough idea,” which means an approximate or general understanding.
Clear: easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
Concise: giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
Complete: having all the necessary or appropriate parts.
Rough: approximate, not exact or detailed.

S2. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct option is (c) Farewell is being bid to their seniors by the first-year students. In this sentence, the action of bidding farewell is happening in the present, and the focus is on the action being done to the seniors. The passive voice is formed by using the verb “to be” (in this case, “is being”) followed by the past participle of the main verb (in this case, “bid”).

S3. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct option is (c) their criticism in heart. The phrase “in heart” is grammatically incorrect; the correct expression is “to heart.” The corrected sentence should read: The singer took their criticism to heart. This means the singer took the criticism seriously and was affected by it.

S4. Ans (b)
Sol. The most logical order of the sentences is RSPQ: “Jason, 45, has a quiet, confident presence. He takes a long time to open up and even after that, he speaks little. He is well aware of the role he and his people play in keeping Shivsagar Lake as beautiful and ecologically thriving. However, he is also deeply aware of the fact that the urban idea of conservation often seeks to keep traditional dwellers out.”

S5. Ans (b)
Sol. Direct speech: Direct speech is a form of quoting someone’s exact words or statements as they were spoken, usually enclosed within quotation marks.
Indirect speech: Indirect speech is a way of conveying someone’s words or statements without using their exact words, typically by rephrasing or reporting the original statement using appropriate verb tenses and pronouns.
The correct indirect form of the sentence is “Priya told me that she could stay in that night.”
In the indirect form, the tense changes from present to past (can to could) and “tonight” changes to “that night” to reflect the change in perspective.

S6. Ans (a)
Sol. The given sentence, “I was fascinated by the movie,” is in the passive voice.
To convert it to the active voice, we need to switch the subject and the object and use the appropriate verb form.
In this case, “the movie” becomes the subject, “fascinated” is the verb, and “me” is the object. So, the active voice sentence is “The movie fascinated me.”

S7. Ans (b)
Sol. The antonym of ancient is modern. Ancient refers to something belonging to a time long past, while modern refers to something current or recent.
Synonyms: old, antique, antiquated, archaic.
Antonyms: modern, contemporary, current, new.
Meanings of all options given are as follows:
Multiple: numerous, or consisting of several parts or elements.
Modern: characterized by or using the most up-to-date techniques, ideas, or equipment.
Slow: moving or operating at a slow speed; not quick or fast.
Primitive: relating to an early stage in the development of something.

S8. Ans (a)
Sol. The antonym of consent is dissent. Consent means to agree or give permission, while dissent means to disagree or withhold agreement.
Synonyms: agreement, approval, permission, assent.
Antonyms: refusal, denial, disagreement, disapproval.
Meanings of all given options are as follows:
Dissent: the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.
Variety: a number of different types or elements.
Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Sanction: official permission or approval for an action.

S9. Ans (c)
Sol. The segment “get on the train by Mumbai” contains a grammatical error.
The correct verb tense should be “got on the train to Mumbai” to match the tense of the rest of the sentence.
Additionally, the preposition “by” should be replaced with “to” as it indicates the destination.
The corrected sentence is: “I had walked for most of the day to Kanpur and then got on the train to Mumbai.”

S10. Ans (d)
Sol. The highlighted segment “Have you want me” is incorrect because it uses the wrong auxiliary verb and tense.
The correct auxiliary verb to be used is “do” in the present simple tense.
The corrected sentence is: “Do you want me to come with you to the dentist?”
The other options (a), (b), and (c) are not grammatically correct or appropriate replacements for the highlighted segment.

FAQs : English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz 

Q1. Adda247, मराठीवर कोणत्या विषयांसाठी रोजच्या प्रश्नमंजुषा उपलब्ध आहेत?

Adda247, मराठी स्पर्धा परीक्षांसाठी महत्त्वाच्या असलेल्या सर्व विषयांसाठी दैनिक प्रश्नमंजुषा मराठीत प्रकाशित करते.

Q2. मराठीतील दैनिक प्रश्नमंजुषा उमेदवारांना स्पर्धा परीक्षांमध्ये चांगले गुण मिळविण्यात कशी मदत करेल?

दैनंदिन प्रश्नमंजुषासह सराव, स्पर्धा परीक्षेत चांगले गुण मिळविण्यासाठी इच्छुकांना तयार करते.

Q3. या रोजच्या प्रश्नमंजुषा परीक्षेच्या पद्धतीनुसार आहेत का?

Adda247, मराठीचे तज्ञ प्राध्यापक स्पर्धा परीक्षांच्या पद्धतीनुसार ही प्रश्नमंजुषा तयार करतात.

Q4. अशा कोणत्या परीक्षा आहेत ज्यासाठी दैनंदिन प्रश्नमंजुषा उपयुक्त ठरतात?

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