International Charity Day  2023

International Charity Day  2023

International Charity Day 2023

International Charity Day is celebrated on September 5 to commemorate the day of the passing away of the great missionary Mother Teresa.

International Charity Day 2023

Mother Teresa, the renowned nun and missionary, came to India In 1928, where she devoted herself to helping the destitute.

International Charity Day 2023

In 1948 she became an Indian citizen and founded the Order of Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata (Calcutta) in 1950, which became noted for its work among the poor and the dying in that city.

International Charity Day 2023

The International Charity Day aims to raise awareness and provide a common platform for charity-related activities.

International Charity Day 2023

International Charity Day is a day of global observance and is observed on an annually.

International Charity Day 2023

Charity can alleviate the worst effects of humanitarian crises, and supplement public services in health care, education, housing and child protection.

To Know More About International Charity Day 2023