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NHPC-JE’21 CE: Daily Practices Quiz. 18-Oct-2021

Know your strengths and practice your concepts with this quiz on NHPC JE Recruitment 2021. This quiz for NHPC JE Recruitment 2021 is designed specially according to NHPC Syllabus 2021.

Quiz: Civil Engineering
Topic: Miscellaneous

Each question carries 1 mark
Negative marking: 1/4 mark
Time: 8 Minutes

Q1. Which of the following tape is least affected by temperature changes and is highly precise-
(a) Linen tape
(b) Metallic tape
(c) Steel tape
(d) Invar tape

Q2. Quick set cement is obtained by:
(a) Reducing C_3 S content
(b) Reducing C_2 S content
(c) Reducing gypsum content
(d) Increasing C_2 S content

Q3. Find the tensile stress of a mild steel rod of 18mm diameter. Given: ultimate load = 9.0 ton.
(a) 0.03 Ton/
(b) 0.02 Ton/
(c) 0.05 Ton/
(d) 0.06 Ton/

Q4. The force of attraction between the individual particles bound together is known as
(a) Dilatancy
(b) Adhesive
(c) Cohesion
(d) Internal friction

Q5. As per IS : 800 in case of webs stiffened both vertically and horizontally, the minimum thickness of web should not be less than
(a) d/50
(b) d/100
(c) d/200
(d) d/250

Q6. The major disadvantage of lime soda process of water softening is that
(a) It is unsuitable for turbid and acidic water
(b) Huge amount of precipitate is formed which creates a disposal problem
(c) The effluent cannot be reduced to zero hardness
(d) It is unsuitable for softening the water of excessive hardness


S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. Invar tape → It is made up an alloy of steel (64%) and nickel (36%). It has very low coefficient of thermal expansion (0.122 × 10^(-6)/°C). It is used for linear measurement of a very high degree of precision. It is least affected by temperature changes.

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. Quick set cement is obtained by Reducing gypsum content. It is used for under water construction. It is gypsum free cement. The initial setting time and final setting time for quick cement is 5 min and 30 min. respectively.

S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. Diameter = 18 mm
Ultimate load = 9.0 ton
Tensile stress = (9.0 ton)/(π/4×18²)
= 0.035 ton/mm²

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. Adhesion → It is an attractive force between different kind of fluid molecules.
Cohesion → It is an attractive force between same kind of fluid molecules.

S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. As per IS:800, If webs stiffened both vertically and horizontally, then minimum thickness of web should not be less than d/250.

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. The major disadvantage of lime-soda process is that huge amount of precipitate is formed, hence re-carbonation is done before filtration and after sedimentation which convert the precipitate into soluble form.

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