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Daily Quiz in Bengali | History For WBCS And UPSC 19 May 2021

 Q1. প্রথম বিশ্বযুদ্ধে ব্রিটিশদের অংশগ্রহণের জাতীয়তাবাদী প্রতিক্রিয়া সম্পর্কিত নিম্নলিখিত বিবৃতিগুলি বিবেচনা করুন

  1. 1. নরমপন্থী ও চরমপন্থীরা কর্তব্য হিসাবে যুদ্ধে সাম্রাজ্যকে সমর্থন করেছিল
  2. বিপ্লবীরা ব্রিটিশ শাসনের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ চালানোর এবং দেশকে স্বাধীন করার সুযোগটি কাজে লাগানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছিল

উপরোক্ত বিবৃতিগুলির মধ্যে কোনটি সঠিক / কোনগুলি সঠিক?

(a) কেবল 1

(b) কেবল 2

(c) 1 এবং 2 উভয়ই

(d) 1 বা 2 নয়

Q2. নিউ ইন্ডিয়া এবং কমনওয়েল, সংবাদপত্রগুলি নিম্নলিখিত কে প্রকাশিত করেন?

(a) অ্যানি বেসেন্ট

(b) বাল গঙ্গাধর তিলক

(c) জি কে গোখলে

(d) অরবিন্দ ঘোষ

Q3. ইন্ডিয়ান ন্যাশনাল অ্যাসোসিয়েশন, ইন্ডিয়ান অ্যাসোসিয়েশন নামেও পরিচিত, এটি প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছিলেন

(a) লালা লাজপত রায়

(b) সুরেন্দ্র নাথ ব্যানার্জি এবং আনন্দ মোহন বোস

(c) দাদা ভাই নওরোজি

(d) শিশির কুমার ঘোষ

Q4. কূকা আন্দোলন সম্পর্কিত নিম্নলিখিত বিবৃতি বিবেচনা করুন,

  1. 1. বাবা রাম সিং কুকাদের প্রধান হিসাবে দায়িত্ব পালন করেছিলেন।
  2. 2. কূকা অনুসারীরা ব্রিটিশ শাসনের বিরুদ্ধে আইন অমান্যের সাথে নিজেদের যুক্ত করেছিল।

উপরোক্ত বিবৃতিগুলির মধ্যে কোনটি সঠিক / কোনগুলি সঠিক?

(a) কেবল  1

(b) কেবল 2

(c) 1 এবং 2 উভয়ই

(d) 1 বা 2 নয়

Q5. তানজোর চিত্রগুলি এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত:

(a) নায়ক রাজবংশ

(b) কদম্ব রাজবংশ

(c) কলাভরা রাজবংশ

(d) পূর্ব গঙ্গার রাজবংশ

Q6. রংপুর বিদ্রোহের কারণ ছিল-

(a) বাংলায় ভূমি রাজস্ব আদায়ের অন্যায্য দাবি

(b) বাংলায় গণ ধর্মান্তরের গুজব

(c) নতুন কর ব্যবস্থার কারণে স্থানীয় হস্তশিল্পের ধ্বংস

(d) আদিবাসীদের অন্তর্ভুক্ত বন অঞ্চলে ব্রিটিশদের দ্বারা অবৈধ নিয়ন্ত্রণ

Q7. ভারতে মন্দির আর্কিটেকচার সম্পর্কে নিচের কোনটি বিবৃতি অসম্পূর্ণ?

(a) নাগারা এবং দ্রাবিদা দক্ষিণ ভারতীয় মন্দির নির্মাণ শৈলী

(b) নাগারা এবং দ্রাবিড় আদেশের নির্বাচনী মিশ্রণের মাধ্যমে ভেসার অর্ডার তৈরি হয়েছিল।

(c) গুপ্ত আমলে পঞ্চায়েতনের স্থাপত্যশৈলীর প্রচলন ছিল।

(d) উপরের সমস্ত

Q8. 1833 সালের সনদ আইনে নিম্নলিখিত কোন বিধানটি করা হয়নি?

(a) ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানির ব্যবসায়িক ক্রিয়াকলাপ বাতিল করা উচিত ছিল।

(b) কাউন্সিলে ভারতের গভর্নর-জেনারেল হিসাবে সর্বোচ্চ কর্তৃপক্ষের পদবি পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছিল।

(c) কাউন্সিলের গভর্নর-জেনারেলকে দেওয়া আইন-শৃঙ্খলার সমস্ত ক্ষমতা।

(d) একজন ভারতীয়কে গভর্নর-জেনারেল কাউন্সিলে আইন সদস্য হিসাবে নিয়োগ দেওয়া হত

Q9. বুদ্ধের শিক্ষার প্রসঙ্গে পতিচি-সামুপদ শব্দটি বোঝায়

(a) শিক্ষাগুলি সন্ন্যাসীদের জন্য একান্তভাবে বোঝানো হয়েছিল।

(b) নির্ভর উৎস এর আইন।

(c) মানসিক প্রশান্তি এবং অন্তর্দৃষ্টি অর্জনের জন্য ধ্যানের একটি কৌশল।

(d) উদ্ভিদ এবং প্রাণী সহ সকল জীবের প্রতি সমবেদনা।

Q10. নিচের কোনটি স্মৃতি গ্রন্থের উদাহরণ নয়?

(a) মহাভারত

(b) বেদ

(c) পুরাণ

(d) রামায়ণ




In the First World War (1914-1919), Britain allied with France, Russia, the USA, Italy, and Japan against Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. This period saw the maturing of Indian nationalism. The nationalist response to British participation in the First World War was three-fold:

(i) the Moderates supported the empire in the war as a matter of duty;

(ii) the Extremists, including Tilak (who was released in June 1914), supported the war efforts in the mistaken belief that Britain would repay India’s loyalty with gratitude in the form of self-government;

(Not as a matter of duty ) and

(iii) the revolutionaries decided to utilize the opportunity to wage a war on British rule and liberate the country. The Indian supporters of British war efforts failed to see that the imperialist powers were fighting to safeguard their own colonies and markets. The revolutionary activity was carried out through the Ghadr Party in North America, Berlin Committee in Europe, and some scattered mutinies by Indian soldiers, such as the one in Singapore.




By early 1915, Annie Besant had launched a campaign to demand self-government for India after the war on the lines of white colonies. She campaigned through her newspapers, New India and Commonweal, and through public meetings and conferences




The Indian Association of Calcutta (also known as the Indian National Association) superseded the Indian League and was founded in 1876 by younger nationalists of Bengal led by Surendranath Banerjea and Ananda Mohan Bose, who were getting discontented with the conservative and pro-landlord policies of the British Indian Association.

The Indian Association was the most important of pre-Congress associations and aimed to “promote by every legitimate means the political, intellectual and material advancement of the people.” It set out to—

(i) create a strong public opinion on political questions, and

(ii) unify Indian people in a common political programme.

It protested against the reduction of the age limit in 1877 for candidates of the Indian Civil Service examination. The Association demanded simultaneous holding of civil service examination in England and India and Indianisation of higher administrative posts. It led to a campaign against the Repressive Arms Act and the Vernacular Press Act.

Therefore, the correct answer is b.




The Kuka Movement marked the first major reaction of the people in Punjab to the new political order initiated by the British after 1849.The Namdhari Movement, of which the Kuka Movement was the most important phase, aimed at overthrowing British rule. The Namdharis were also known as ―Kukas‖ because of their trademark style of reciting the ―Gurbani‖ (Sayings/Teachings of the Guru). This style was in a high-pitched voice called ―Kook‖ in Punjabi. Thus, the Namdharis were also called ―Kukas‖. In course of time, Baba Ram Singh became chief of Kukas. He would go about surrounded by horsemen and held his court every day. He appointed Governors and Deputy Governors to organize Kukas in different districts of Punjab. He also inspired young men by giving them military training.

  • The Kuka Movement made the people aware of their serfdom and bondage. It evoked feelings of self-respect and sacrifice for the country. Within a few years, the followers of the Kuka Movement increased manifold.
  • They called for a boycott of educational institutions of British and laws established by them. They were rigid in their clothing and wore only hand-spun white attire. The Kuka followers actively propagated civil disobedience.




Tanjore paintings date back to the 17th century when Tanjore was under the Nayaka dynasty. They represent a form of classical South Indian painting that was practiced for several centuries in the town of Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu.

Since then, it has spread all across the state and also in other parts of South India. These paintings are chiefly based on Hindu religious subjects and temples and are distinguished by their famous and characteristic gold coating.

The Tanjore paintings portray both Hindu gods and goddesses, despite the influence of Mughal miniature paintings. The goddesses also got enough space, like the gods in the paintings had.




The establishment of British control over Bengal after 1757 and their various land revenue

experiments in Bengal to extract as much as possible from peasants brought unbearable hardship for the common man.

  1. Rangpur and Dinajpur were two of the districts of Bengal which faced all kinds of illegal demands by the East India Company and its revenue contractors.
  2. The harsh attitude of the revenue contractors and their exactions became a regular feature of peasant life. One such revenue contractor was Debi Singh of Rangpur and Dinajpur. He and his agents created a reign of terror in the two districts of northern Bengal. Taxes on the Zamindars were increased which actually were passed on from Zamindars to cultivators or ryots. Ryots were not in a position to meet the growing demands of Debi Singh and his agents.
  3. Peasants appealed to the East India Company officials to redress their grievances. Their appeal however, remained unheeded.




Nagara is North Indian style

Dravida is South Indian

Vesara is a mixture of both.

Option C: Temple at Deogarh (Lalitpur, UP) is in the panchayatana style of architecture where the main shrine is built on a rectangular plinth with four smaller subsidiary shrines at the four corners (making it a total number of five shrines, hence the name, panchayatana).





Charter Act of 1833 provides for the appointment of a law member but not necessarily an Indian

  • The company’s commercial activities were closed down. It was made into an administrative body for British Indian possessions.
  • The company’s trade links with China were also closed down.
  • This act permitted the English to settle freely in India.
  • This act legalized the British colonization of the country.
  • The company still possessed the Indian territories but it was held ‘in trust for his majesty’.
  • The Governor-General of Bengal was re-designated as the Governor-General of India. This made Lord William Bentinck the first Governor-General of India.
  • Thus, the country’s administration was unified under one control.
  • The Governors of Bombay and Madras lost their legislative powers.
  • The Governor-General had legislative powers over entire British India.
  • The Governor-General in the council had the authority to amend, repeal, or alter any law pertaining to all people and places in British Indian territories whether British, foreign, or Indian native.
  • The civil and military affairs of the company were controlled by the Governor-General in council.
  • The Governor-General’s council was to have four members. The fourth member had limited powers only.
  • For the first time, the Governor-General’s government was called the Government of India, and the council was called India Council.






An important aspect of the Buddha‘s teaching was patichcha-samuppada—the law of dependent origination.

This was both an explanation of all phenomena as well as an explanation of dukkha (suffering).

The elements of this law were presented as a wheel consisting of 12 nidanas, one leading to the next: ignorance (avijja), formations (sankhara), consciousness (vinnana), mind and body (nama-rupa), the six senses (salayatana), sense contact (phassa), feeling (vedana), craving (tanha), attachment (upadana), becoming (bhava), birth (jati), and old age and death (jara-marana).

The nidanas were later divided into three groups pertaining to the past, present, and future lives, and patichcha-samuppada therefore also became an explanation of how the origins of rebirth lay in ignorance.




In the Hindu tradition, the Vedas have the status of shruti (literally,  ̳that which has been heard‘). They are thought to embody an eternal, self-existent truth realized by the rishis (seers) in a state of meditation or revealed to them by the gods. The category of smriti (literally,  ̳remembered‘) texts includes the Vedanga, Puranas, epics, Dharmashastra, and Nitishastra.

The two Sanskrit epics, the Mahabharata and Ramayana, fall within the category of smriti as well as it has (traditional history), although the Ramayana is sometimes classified as kavya (poetry).

Dharmashastra(a special group of Sanskrit texts dealing specifically with dharma) recognizes three sources of dharma—shruti (i.e., the Vedas), smriti (i.e., the Smriti texts), and sadachara or shishtachara (good custom or the practices of the learned, cultured people).








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